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What is it all about?

We are about becoming men who know Christ; that by caring for one another with brotherly love we might all grow as true men of God - "...reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others" (2 Timothy 2:2). We are about becoming men who make Christ known, that by what we say and do to others they might come to know God's love - "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers"
(1 John 3:16).

What do we do?

Our get togehter is on the last Saturday morning of every month. We begin around 7:00 am at the church with a light breakfast, followed by a season of prayer for our families, church, leaders, ministry, and our nation. There are also plans to begin in-depth Bible study group for the men this fall (98); one that compliments the women's study group.

Come and join us for a time of fellowship, prayer, and study!

We have a warm and loving women's ministry at Easter Lake Baptist Church. A few years ago one of our women started a ladies group called "Greater Joy". This group meets one Thursday night a month for a devotional and fellowship.

In addition to "Greater Joy", there is a women's Bible study that meets every other Thursday night. They are currently studying "Becoming a Woman of Excellence" by Cynthia Heald. Through this we hope for God to accomplish growth in wisdom and spiritual knowledge (Col. 1:9) to be able to better serve and glorify Him in everything that is said and done. Come and join us as we seek to serve the Savior!

To find out more about our children's and youth ministries, to meet our pastors, or to find out how you can have a personal saving relationship with Jesus Christ, simply click on the appropriate link below.

