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Since the early days thermometers have sure come a long way!!!! Nowadays we have thermometers in our cars, digital thermometers, we have thermometers to tell the temperature of everything, almost!!! As technology improves, as do common items like the thermometer, which most people take for granted.

One advance in thermometers are the single use, or disposable thermometer. Many medical places are choosing to use these recently, due to the germs most thermometers carry. These thermometers are individually wrapped and accurately measure the temperature of a body. A sensor at the tip has temperature indicating dots, and each one has a mix of chemicals that melt and change color. The readings are indicated by the number that corresponds with the last circle.

Soft thermometers can be hooked up to your computer and can measure the temperature of buildings, warehouses, greenhouses, equipment rooms, prevents frozen water pipes, and can prevent plant damage. These thermometers connect via cable to a port on your computer. The temperature is shown on your computer screen,and if the temperature goes too low or too high and alarm sounds. No set up is required and they connect to any serial port. These are very convenient, for example, if you have equipment that can't be exposed past a certain temperature, then without even being there you can check the temperature of it.

I couldn't personally find anything on the future of the thermometer. Looking at some examples of what people are coming up with now, we can only take wild guesses as what lies ahead in thermometer technology : )
