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Scott's Home for Incessant Ramblings

NOTE: This page has been formatted for your convience to be viewed best through the ever popular browser LYNX (I suppose part of this could be due to my intense hatred of internet graphics...most of my browsing comes via a 2400 baud modem)

This page feels different.

Guess what?!?!?!?1?1/1/111 I now have an actual picture of me here! Yeah, I know that's horribly unLYNXish of me, so i'll just link it. Personally, I think the photographer didn't understand proper lighting techniques when he shot this. Anyway, may Kantor watch over all who view this picture...

Woooo! I made a webpage of my most recent vacation! Hurry your freaky arse to see my Drunken Orgy Pictures!

Strange, isn't it? This is rapidly becoming one of the ugliest web pages in the world. I'm almost proud!

Episode #6 Holy Cow!
Hero Worship and Lame Ass Kissing

Well, for the 13 years that Nude Pope Central has been online, i've been able to stay consistantly within my ranthood. Well, that ends now. Some of you may know that i'm an aspiring artist...or is that a perspiring artist...hmmm. Anyway, my stance on art has been a pretty basic one. It all sucks. I haven't been too fond of most artists either. Now, i'm not saying that my creations are any better...generally, the stuff I spit out is much lower on the Artsial food chain. I'm just not easily pleased. There is some stuff I like, but generally, most art is a drag. (Hey, wait...this still sounds like a rant! What's the deal?)

I have found a hero. An artist whose visual statements I can only dream of achieving in my lifetime. Before I blather on and on, lemme show you where to browse, so you can be smacked in the forehead by his images too.

Brute! Propaganda

Aidan Hughes. I won't babble too much about his history. To most of us Americans, we know him as 'The dude who draws the KMFDM covers,' and maybe that is what he is most famous for. Dunno about that, but KMFDM was my first exposure...I remember, years ago, seeing KMFDM's video (well, a snippet at least) 'A Drug Against War' on everyone's favorite MTV show, Beavis and Butthead. Stunning, is all I can say. His work isn't 'beautiful''s enthralling. It grabs you by your armpit hair and yanks! Hustle yourself over to the above webpage, and check out some samples of his artworks and other stuff he does. Be sure to check out, not only the KMFDM cover art, but the 'Misc. Artwork' link under BRUTE!ART... Lots of these pictures make fabulous wallpaper. :)

Well, that's enough for now, I already feel dirty enough, praising an actual artist. Until you read me again,
Happy Nihilistic Cheese Day,


Wanna see the stuff that used to be here? I promise it'll be as spiffy as the above!

Episode #001!
Episode #002!
Episode #003!
Episode #004!
Episode #005!

Who is this 'Scott' dude, and why should I know him?

Those in the internet community may know me as...(i'm tired of lists)
Contenu (if ne1 sends me an email with what my name means, i'll send you a cookie! ((and not one of those crappy raisin filled .html invisible cookies either)))discontinued
Etre discontinued

Soon, i'm gonna have a page for each character, so you may learn the neato mosquito stories behind each one! Yay! I might even add pictures and other LYNX unfriendly stuff...
Acutally, that ain't gonna happen. I'm too busy not updating my other pages.

To get yer own webpage (Cripes, they even gave ME one!) please patronize these hoopy dudes...
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages

And now, the only page on the web (as far as i'm aware of, at least) to make a link to this wonderfully horrid website...
Stardeo's ROM Resource Page! Visit it many times (and be sure to appreciate the entry graphic).

Well, it's come to my attention that a few other pages have links to Nude Pope Central. May God (or someone of equal importance) bless their souls. Too bad I can't remember their addresses. If you go to Stardeo's page, however, you can find 'em for yourself. I think Selianth, Zu(o)g(g), Zantaril, and Apocopopoclopoplopolypse are the only enlightenedaroonies so far.

In this section of your page you erase what is written here and write whatever you want... even HTML code.

a real crappy Tainted Mule Production
september eight, zero minus two

send hate mail to: ME!