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Hello, my name is Clarinet. As wars has been broken out and the cure of SARS has still not been found, uncertainty is around every corner of the world. Would it be the end of time? Or would it not? What does God think about all these? He said 'He does not come to judge the world but for the world' I studied animation in college and I would like to share with you my vision. (Pls excuse my crappy web page building, my emphasis now is to deliver animated messages.) Happy Easter.
New Animation is out!!
Next Episode Preview - For God Still Loves the World

Welcome for download. (only 2.07mb, it works in Real)
This is my first try, hope you will like it.

(apology to Gainax Co.;p)

Thank you for viewing, I will keep it up.
Coming up next, My Salvation Testimony - for Christians you know for years, you may not know how they are "saved".
Better and more services are coming! Stay in toon!
April 20, 2003 Pst 4:19 am
