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Mayhem Creations

Iwill try to have some ECW creations on here soon.

WCW Creations

WWF Creations

ECW Creations


Move Set: Ric Flair
Finisher: Russian Leg Sweep
Size: Large
Skin type: bare1
Face: Enforcer
Hair: Short Hair
Hair Color: Blonde
Shirt: White
Pants: Black
Boots: Black
Faction: hardcore
Stye: power
Entrance Music: faction Theme

Road Dogg

Move Set: Wrath
Size: Large
Skin type: bare1
Face: Head10
Hair: ponytail
Hair Color: Brown
Shirt: Black
Pants: Black tights
Boots: Black
Faction: hardcore
Stye: techincal
Entrance Music: DDP

Charles Robinson

Move Set: Ric Flair
Size: Small
Skin Type: bare1
Face: Ref
Hair Style: Short hair
Hair Color: Blonde
faction: Horsemen
Entrance Music: Horsemen


Move Set: DDP
Size: Large
Skin type: bare5
Face: head1
Hair: Flat top
Hair Color: Brown
Facial hair: chops
Sunglasses: 3
Elbow Pads: Black
Right kneepad: Black
Left kneepad: Black
Boots: black
Faction: WcW
Entrance Music: faction Theme

Super Calo

Move Set: Lizmark Jr.
Face: Generic
Hair: Short Hair
Hair Color: Black
Shirt: Super Calo
Masks: Super Calo
Pants: Super Calo
Boots: Black
Style: Luchadore
faction: cruiserweights
Entrance Music: cruiserweights

Stone Cold

Move Set: Sargent Buddy Lee Parker
Size: powerful
Skin type: bare7
Face: head10
facial hair: brown goatee 2
Jacket: biker vest
Pants: Jeans
Boots: Black
Faction: hardcore
Stye: power
Entrance Music: invasion

Sid Vicious

Move Set: Kevin Nash
Finisher: Jacknife Powerbomb
Size: powerful
Skin Type: bare7
Face: head7
Hair: afro
Hair Color: Blonde
Jacket: Mayhem
Elbow Pads: black
Left Knee Pad: black
Right Knee Pad: black
Boots: black
faction: wcw
Style: power
Entrance Music: faction Theme

Curly Bill

Move Set: Ric Flair
Size: Large
Skin Type: bare2
Face: head1
Hair: bald
Sunglasses: 2
Shirt: black shirt
Vest: cowboy vest
Elbow Pads: black
Pants: Jeans
Boots: black
faction: wcw
Style: power
Entrance Music: faction theme

David flair

Move set: chavo guerroue jr.
Size: small
Skin type: bare1
Face: scar
Hair: Short Hair
Hair color: Blonde
Elbow pads: black
Pants: black
Pant length: 5
Boots: black
faction: wcw
Style: technical
Entrance Music: faction theme

Brian Adams

Move Set: Scott Norton
Finisher: Powerbomb
Size: powerful
Skin type: Bare2
Face: Enforcer
hair style: Long
hair color: Black
facial hair: Beard
Shirt: black tanktop
Pants: Black
Left Kneepad: Black
Right kneepad: Black
boots: Black
faction: NWO
Style: power
Entrance Music: NWO Theme


Move Set: Bret Hart
Finisher: Neck breaker
Size: Large
Skin Type: Bare3
Face: head1
Hair Style: mohawk
Hair Color: Black
Facial Hair: Brown Goatee2
Sunglasses: Style2
Hand Tie: wrist tape
Pants: Ninja
Boots: Ninja
faction: wcw
Style: technical
Entrance Music: fation theme

Jerry Flyn

Move Set: Ernist Cat Miller
Finisher: Russian Leg Sweep
Size: Large
Skin Type: bare1
Face: Enforcer
Hair Style: flat top
Hair Color: Black
Pants: Ninja
Pant Length: 9/9
Belt: Red Karate
Boots: Ninja
faction: hardcore
Style: power
Entrance Music: faction theme


Move Set: Juvi
Finisher: Juvi Driver
Size: Large
Skin Type: bare1
Face: Enforcer
Hair Style: Long Hair
Hair Color: Black
Neck Tatoo: vine
Tatoo: Leaf
Hand Tie: grey
Right Arm Tatoo: pointed
Left Arm Tatoo: pointed
Pants: Black
Boots: Black
faction: wcw
Style: power
Entrace Music: faction theme

Jeff Jarret

Move Set: Raven
Size: Large
Skin Type: bare1
Face: Head4
Hair Style: flat top
Hair Color: Blonde
Glasses: style2
Hand Tie: Wrist Tape
Pants: Blue Tights
Pant Length: 1/9
Boots: White
Left Knee Pad: White
Right Knee Pad: White
faction: wcw
Style: technical
Entrance Music: faction theme

Shane Douglas

Move set: curt henning
Size: Large
Skin type: bare1
Face: cheat head2
hair style: Short
hair color: blond
Arm bands: gold
Pants: gold shorts
Boots: black
faction: wcw
Style: technical
Entrance music: faction theme

Hugh Morris

Move Set: Rey msterio Jr.
Size: Large
Skin type: bare1
Face: head1
hair style: flat top
hair color: brown
facial hair: brown goatee2
shirt: jungle
hand tie: wrist tape
Pants: ninja
pant length: 5
pant pattern: stars
Boots: white
faction: wcw
style: technical
entrance music: faction theme