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Here is a page of glitches that I have found in the game. Also many that were submitted to me through email.

Submitted by Shayn

This glitch will only work when u haven't got the jigsaw peice . In Bubble Gloop Swamp , if u go to the jigsaw piece behind the maze where you have the race for it, if u pound on the block that starts it off and press (C^) , then wait for the time to run out, and the witch will say that your to slow, then now you will be *Invisible*.

Submitted by AGant

Go to Treasure Trove Cove and get off the bridge. Right when you get off the bridge take a RIGHT to the shore but not in the water. Now walk forward till you see a line in the sand pass that line untill you see a second one. Now swim down the water fallowing the sencond line untill you cant go any farther.Then floor should change its pattern. Now look to your left, push (C^) and point your nose down. Then you will be able to see under the whole island.

Go to the brown cauldron that leads to the Click Clock Wood entrance and walk up the cave into the TALL grass. Right when your WHOLE body is under the grass push the (C^) button. Then you will see a little underground pasture.

Submitted by Zorro

When getting the puzzle piece behind the propellers I found this short cut throught the glass. After I hit the second propeller switch I flipped backwards through the glass into the next room with time to spare. It is a hit or miss proposition. Sometimes I can do it sometimes I can't. Try it and see if it helps.

Submitted by Nate Smith

In Click Clock Woods in spring, the beaver can't get in his house. There is a way to break the boulder. You go above on the ledge and fart out eggs untill they hit the rock. If you hear a bounce then a hit, it didn't work but just a hit and it worked. Inside, first it will be dark, then you will swim up a snow path and you can see the whole level. Also, if you fall in the big black hole, you restart the level and the boulder will be broken permently.
