The Commandments of The Spice Whores
Spice Girls Commandments
  1. Thy navel must forever be uncovered.
  2. Thou must always dress according to thy "Spicy Nickname".
  3. Whilst thou speaketh of "Girl Power" thy tits must be at least 3/4 uncovered and jiggling dangerously.
  4. Thy bra size must be of a higher number than thy IQ.
  5. Thou shalt speak not of "Mel A."
  6. If thou is stuck whilst thinking of a rhyming word, make one up.
  7. Thy must posess no musical talent whatsoever.
  8. Thy shalt think not more than twice a week.
  9. Thy natural hair colour shalt remain forever a mystery.
  10. Thou shalt always slam thy body down, wind it all around, and zigizig-ahhh.
  11. Thou shalt look silly, act silly, and be retarded.
  12. Thou shalt express individuality while in a group of like-minded types.
  13. Thou shall forever be a wannabe.
  14. Thou shall not wear a bra.
  15. Thou must wear clothing too small for ones' self.
  16. Thou must alaways remain a hoochie-mamma.
  17. Thou true sex shall never be revealed.
  18. Thou shalt only be talented at the art of lipsync-ing.
  19. Thou shalt never say a sentence with more than 2 words in an English Dictionary.
  20. Thou must have experience in hooking, lap dancing, stripping, or any other activity of this kind.
  21. Thou must continue the legacy left by Milli Vanilli and New Kids on the Block.
  22. Thou shalt shout "Girl Power !!" several times, while "punching air" when stumped for an answer dunring an interview.
  23. Thou shalt believe that everyone else is as stupid as you, and therefore repeat things over and over, as in "Tell me what you want..." and "I'll tell you what I want."

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