This is a key of all the terminology used in the character moves lists.
ftap forward
dftap down-forward
dtap down
dbtap down-back
btap back
ubtap up-back
utap up
uftap up-forward
F,DF,D,etc.hold direction indicated
Gtap Guard button
Ptap Punch button
Ktap Kick button
Etap Evade button
,perform controls indicated in sequence quickly
+peform controls indicated simulatneously
~damage varies from number before ~ to number after depending on distance
highhigh level attack--hits standing non-defender,not croucher
midmid level attack--hits standing non-defender,non-defending or defending croucher
lowlow level attack--hits standing defender or non-defender,crouching non-defender
groundground level attack
(works only when enemy's downed)
Movename/description of move
Controlshow to perform move
Levelwhere attack hits
(high, mid, low, or ground)
Framesstill frames taken to perform move
listed as prelagtime-attack frames-postlagtime
Damagedamage points move takes off
Reactionenemy's reaction when hit with move
throwstanding close in front of enemy
side throwStanding close to enemy's side
back throwStanding close to enemy's back
wall throwStanding close to enemy's front with back to wall
TTperform attack with back to enemy to turn towards
TAcharacter turns away from enemy after attacking
Motionscharacter does an action that's not an attack
Reversalperform reversal right before enemy's attack frames come out
Normalenemy's not knocked down, not stunned long enough to combo
Preset/Normalenemy has "Normal" reaction, except certain pre-programmed combos work (i.e. P,P or P,P,P,K)
Stunenemy's stunned long enough to combo after move
Floatenemy's floated into air so you can do a float combo
Knockdownenemy's knocked onto ground; not in air long enough for float combo