Old Virtua Fighter Page Updates from June 1998 and After


There were no updates in August.


updated Thursday, July 30, 1998: I have two small updates today, and an announcement. To start, I added a new link to the VF Links section. It's a pretty new homepage of someone who plays VF here in Iowa...the best player, actually. And also, I've finally finished the Iowa City VFing page, so now it's a complete list of pretty much everyone who regularly plays VF here...I've just added the last person. The announcement--Omaha, Nebraska will be holding their own Virtua Fighter tournament Saturday, August 8, 1998. I'm not sure about all the details but if you go to hardcore virtua fighter and check under the news section there should be a lot of info. Or just email them (or me if you wanna be lazy and have me contact them) and ask about it. I might be changing the look of this site soon, so stay tuned, and hope for VF on the DreamCast in Japan this November!

updated Friday, July 24, 1998: I've got a lot of updates today, and will probably update again soon. First, I added a new link to the VF Links section. I also added someone else to the Iowa City Virtua Fighting list. And I started a whole new section, which is kind of for miscellaneous stuff. Readers can send in their thoughts about VF to be put up there. The first thing I have up is funny stories for VF4 that I wrote...what would happen at the end of the VF3 tourny. The idea to add this section was partially inspired by Grand Emporer ElDragon7, who suggested I put up a page for people to submit wishes and thoughs for VF4 (which you can do and I'll put on the section.) Click here to see my new Miscellaneous VF Stuff Page!

updated Thursday, July 16, 1998: Hey, it's been a month since the last update! A few new things today. First of all I put some more people on the list of Iowa City Virtua Fighters and added some more info for some people. There were three more votes in the survey for Virtua Fighter! Also, I added two more frames to the SPoD animation at the top to make it a little smoother. It's still pretty rought, though. Also, I actually wrote the new stuff in the survey and ICVF sections yesterday, but didn't get to put the message here or mail to the mailing list. Sorry.


updated Tuesday, June 16, 1998: I've updated a lot of different sections today, but each one has only been changed in a small way. First of all, what everyone probably noticed, the logos at the top of the page and the VF3 player pics, I rearranged a little, so this page would load faster. On my Dreamcast page, I added a little bit more news about games coming out on it. There was another survey vote for Virtua Fighter; check out their reasons there. Also, that same person joined the mailing list so you can see the statistics about them on that page. Finally, I put a few more local VF players on the Iowa City Virtua Fighting page, and I wrote the URLs to anyone on there with a webpage. Future notes, I might start a message board or something else of the like for this page soon, by suggestion from a very enthusiastic reader (El Dragon 7--ElDragon7@aol.com), so keep on the lookout.
updated Wednesday, June 10, 1998: After leaving the net VF world for a while, I've now come back with several updates. First of all, I've made a new Sega Dreamcast page, devoted to Sega's upcoming 128-bit console powerhouse. I have all the tecnical specs, some links, and tons of miscellaneous info. Like most of my other pages, I have links to it from the other main sections. Also, someone new has joined the Virtua Fighter mailing list, so I've put her info up on that page. I found another link, the VF3 Shrine, that I've put on the VF Links page. Finally, I've started an Iowa City VF3 page. I have a list of people who play VF3 in Iowa City, and when they play, as whom, etc. So anyone visiting the midwest, or who lives by here, should check out that page and see who plays here. We'd really like more competition in lonely Iowa! Note that the list isn't complete yet but I'll put a notice up when I add more people to it.

Questions or comments...mail me at jarisky@hotmail.com.
You are the person here since Thursday, July 16, 1998.