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wheN thE pawN hitS thE conflictS hE thinkS likE A kinG

whaT hE knowS throwS thE blowS wheN he goeS tO thE fighT

anD he'lL wiN thE wholE thinG 'forE hE enterS thE rinG

there'S nobodY tO batteR wheN youR minD iS youR mighT

sO wheN yoU gO solO, yoU holD youR owN hanD

anD remembeR thaT deptH iS thE greatesT oF heightS

iF yoU knoW wherE yoU stanD, theN yoU knoW wherE tO lanD

anD iF yoU falL iT won'T matteR, cuZ you'lL knoW thaT you'rE righT

-Fiona Apple

I knoW tomorroW bringS thE consequencE aT hanD

buT I keeP livinG thiS daY likE thE nexT wilL neveR comE



enteR jill'S lovE palacE

asiaN invasioN...thE besT banD eveR

deeP thoughtS

vieW mY slaMbooK! sigN mY slaMbooK!

lasT updateD oN likE marcH 8, 2000