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Bean's Homepage

Favorite Places

HEYCOW homepage
Another page of mine
Matt's homepage & gallery
Sven's homepage

Hi. Erika Nelson here...or some call me "Bean". I just graduated from Iowa City High and am going into music composition at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston next year. I play the piano and cello, like to hang out with friends, ski, hike, watch movies, and travel. I hope to someday get the money to go everywhere, and skydive!

This is just the start to my page, so stop back later.

Photo Nook

Me, Keith, and Jill
Me, Shannah, and Jill
Me, Jacob, Anne, Jill, Chris
Jill and I hit the town
Prom '98
Samona, me, and Wingnut (science club robot)
Shauna, Keith, and me
Model UN Short Skirt Contest
Matt *smile*
Me, Audrey, Natalie, and Sarah
Mozart, Abbi, and the rest of the Maine Gang

From Europe...

Me, Pat, and Nick
Maria and I
Shannah and I
Keith, Marta, Shannah, and Heather
Shauna, Keith, me, and Sara


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