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~2~ I'm putting my entries in reverse order.. just in case you wanted to know. My New Year's resolutions are to not worry so much and to have more fun with my life. They sort of go hand in hand. Anyway, on Dr. Phil the other day, I learned that my resolutions aren't so good because they can't be measured. So I need to change mine. hmm. I'm not really sure how I could measure my worriness. Maybe by the tightness of my muscles? lol Or maybe at the end of the day I can count how many things I'm worry about. lol I don't know! FOr my having fun resolution, I could measure it by counting how many times I laugh? lol If someone has some ideas, please tell me! Thanks. Anyway, I really want to work on my resolutions even though I don't know how to measure my progress at this time. Right now, I worry soo much and it kills me. Also, my worrying prevents me from having fun and makes me stressed and its just horrible. :) That's enough for now I guess.
~1~I gonna talk bout LOVE and relationships. I'm studying bout relationships and sex and stuff in school, so its a good topic. High school relationships are just weird. Everyone's going through so many changes; emotionally, physically and socially. Sometimes we are so low and we think that a relationship will pick us up and make our problems magically disppear. BUT that's false. Relationships cover up our problems and make us believe that they're gone. Sometimes we just want a relationship so we can be sure to have dates for Homecoming, Prom and just to fit in with the cool people who have significant others. Another bunch of people are in relationships for the.. "benefits". These aren't always sexual, but usually they are. Some people use relationships so they can mooch money, rides, etc. Humans are a crazy race, wouldn't u agree? The best reasons for having a relationship are: You have mature love for the person, you have time for a relationship and you want it in your life at this point. There's more reasons, but you should know them already. If ya have anything u'd like to say, leave a note in my addy book or on my Message board thing. THanks!

An awesome show...I miss it soo much!The Tom Green Show

If you want, you can contact me on AIM: screenname Nia1530, or Yahoo Messenger: screenname irisnia. My email addy is irisnia@yahoo.com.

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