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The night before I was to leave campus, the rondaval crew pitched in and bought a sheep from a local township to slaughter. It was deep to me to see the sheep living and breathing one minute, then the next, its life was soaking into the soil. I had never participated in the process of taking the life of an animal, skinning it while it was still warm, cutting it up and later eating it. To me it was a sacrafice of thanks at the conclusion of my time there. I kept the jaw bone of the sheep as a reminder.
Here's a picture from later that night. We were all hanging out around the fire outside of the rondavals relaxing, listening to jazz, cooking the sheep and thinking about the days to come. I felt sad knowing that I was leaving the University the next morning. There was plenty of time when everything wasn't so glamourous and exciting, but I really loved the experience and felt very tied to the place. I knew I still had another hill to climb...