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Serena, My Grandmother

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"I miss calling and chatting with Grams, I miss Grams on the whole. We had a special and meaningful relationship and she taught me a lot of Wisdom. There was so much more she had to tell me or should I say so much more questions for which I needed explanations/ answers. She was powerful and she was wise and she meant a lot to me."

Those are the words of one of the many persons who was fortunate to have my grandmother as a part of their life. Serena, or as she was affectionately known Serene, epitomizes peace. She was always calm and a peacemaker.

My parents separated when I was young and there was never a day I heard her say a negative word against my father. The funny thing is that when she visits she would always bring something back for him, even if it's a handkerchief. She would tell me "shhh hide this, is something fuh yuh father". Not that my mother would mind or anything but… She was a generous soul in everything she did.

You could never come into our home and not get something to eat or a place to stay. And speaking about eat… she was the best cook.. I grew up on Serene's food. And for Christmas… even though we would have lunch at dinnertime it was excellent. I think if we were to count the courses of the meal we would be in the teens. Everyone got a plate of food. And it was not only on special occasions. Anyday, anytime. Serene would provide.

She was a pillar of strength for all who knew her.

I was fortunate to spend 2000 with her. She came for Christmas in 1999 and I went back to Canada with her. Her foot was giving her a bit of trouble but that didn't stop her. And as time went on it became worse and the only solution was amputation. You would think that for someone who has been going all her life would have opted to have the foot remain. In fact she asked the doctors to take off the foot.

She went in, had the foot removed and not one day did she complain. Well she did about only one thing; she thought that she should have been up and about by the following week. She failed to realize that she was 87. She had the amputation in June I think and by July she was up and about. She had so much life in her, even though for as long as I can remember she is always saying that she is dying. She had so many plans for my mother's visit in November. But I guess God had other plans for her.

We got the call on Tuesday October 30th that she would not make it through the night. Serene rallied for a month after that. Then on December 4th she was taken home.

Everyone who knew Serene expected her to pull through. But like everything that has life must return to their creator. She is in a happy place. I have no doubts about that. She lived a full and wonderful life. She was a praying soul and she loved to sing. She was mother, adviser and friend.

I love you and will miss you Serene. May you enjoy eternal happiness in heaven.