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Psychology (and Pseudo-Psychology)
(edited by: Brian Pollock)

I am currently a third year Psychology and Spanish double major at the University of Pennsylvania.
Also I am working at the Psychiatry Clinic at Vanderbilt University this summer.
I am always interested in working in a psychology lab as a research assistant, especially in a cognitive-behavioral or clinical setting. So if you, or anyone you know, needs to fill such a position, please e-mail me. In the meantime, here is my Resume in Html Format, or in Microsoft Word Format.

Some real Psyc. Links and Sites:
Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania
Psi Chi -The National Honor Society in Psychology
-->Penn's Chapter of Psi Chi
American Psychological Association
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
National Mental Health Association (NMHA)
Royal College of Psychiatrists

New: Presenting the Psychoanalytic/dynamic Section:
Philadelphia Psychoanalytic Society

A fairly comprehensive site with many links and info. on Freud
Here is the Freud Museum

Carl Jung Center of Philadelphia

Basic Principles of Adlerian Psychology

...ok, enough psychoanalysis

John Watson-
John B. Watson & the Behaviorist View
      and what ever happen with Watson's "experiment" Little Albert?

Carl Rogers-
The founder of Person Centered Therapy

Albert Ellis-
Albert Ellis Institute for Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)

Aaron Beck-
Aaron Beck of the University of Pennsylvania is the creator of cognitive therapy: Beck Institute

Personality Tests (results not guarenteed):
Meyers-Briggs Online (Jungian Theory)
Another Variation of the Meyers Briggs
The "Big Five" Personality Test
The Keirsey Temperament Sorter II
The Spark Personality Test (for fun, but intersting anyway)
Here's a variety of Personality Test Links...

Here's an IQ-type test, or at least a good mental workout

Disorders, Cool Stuff, and Other Random Psych. Links :

Did you know everyone has a blindspot in their field of vision? Want to find yours? Blindspot

and, I just wanted to add an area of disorders that I find interesting (also gives me a way to throw in some animations):
A Huge List of Phobias

The Main Types of Phobias Recognized by the DSM-IV:

And last but not least, for all the students, here's one that YOU HAVE TO CHECK OUT: School Phobia

Ok, another one of my "favorite" disorders 
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

