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~~ present ~~

10x -- 10 times (thanks)
10q -- thank you

aamof -- as a matter of fact
abbrev -- abbreviation
ack -- acknowledge
afaict -- as far as I can tell
afaik -- as far as I know
afj -- April fool's joke
afk -- away from keyboard
aiui -- as I understand it
aka -- also known as
asaigac -- as soon as I get a chance
asap -- as soon as possible
asl -- age sex location
aslp -- age sex location picture
awgthtgtta -- are we going to have
      to go through this again?
awhfy -- are we having fun yet?

b4 -- before
b4n -- bye for now
bad -- broken as designed
bak -- back at keyboard
bau -- business as usual
bbfn -- bye bye for now
bbiab -- be back in a bit
bbl -- be back later
bbr -- broken beyond repair
bcnu -- be seeing you
bfbi -- brute force and bloody
bfi -- brute force and innocence
bion -- believe it or not
bob -- best of breeds
bof -- birds of a feather
bohica -- bend over here it comes
brb -- be right back
bs -- bullshit
bsf -- but seriously folks
bst -- but serious though
bta -- but then again
btaim -- be that as it may
btdt -- been there, done that
btobd -- be there or be dead
btsoom -- beats the shit out of me
btw -- by the way
bwq -- buzz word quotient
bykta -- but you knew that already


cad -- control alt delete
cattac -- chief assistant to the
      asssistant chief
clm -- career limiting move
cmiiw -- correct me if I'm wrong
cul -- see you later
cyl -- see you later


dbr -- damaged beyond repair
diik -- darn if I know
dilligad\s -- do I look like I give a
diy -- do it yourself
doa -- dead on arrival
dtrt -- do the right thing
dyjhiw -- don't you hate it when...


eod -- end of discussion
eol -- end of lecture
esad -- eat shit and die
esosl -- endless snorts of stupid laughter
eykiw -- everything you know is wrong

f2f -- face to face
fcfs -- first come, first served
fdrotfl -- falling down rolling on
      the floor laughing
ffs -- for fucks sake
fish -- first in, still here
fitb -- fill in the blank
foad -- fall over and die
foaf -- friend of a friend
foc -- free of charge
fof -- friend of foe?
fotcl -- falling of the chair laughing
fubar -- fucked up beyond all
fubb -- fucked up beyond believe
fud -- fear, uncertainty and doubt
fwiw -- for what it's worth
fya -- for your amusement
fye -- for your entertainment
fyi -- for your information

ga -- go ahead
gal -- get a life
gd&amph -- grin, duck and hide
gd&ampr -- grin, duck and run
gd&amprf -- grin, duck and run fast
gd&amprvvf -- grin, duck and run
      very very fast
gfd -- gone for the day
gigo -- garbage in, garbage out
gl -- good luck
gmta -- great minds think alike
gok -- god only knows
gowi -- go on with it
gpf -- go puke fast


hhoj -- ha ha only joking
hhok -- ha ha only kidding
hmfic -- head motherfucker in charge
hmficc -- head motherfucker in
     complete charge
hsik -- how should I know
hth -- hope this helps


iac -- in any case
ibn -- I'm buck naked
ic -- I see
icbw -- I could be wrong
iirc -- if I recall correctly
iitywybad -- if I tell you, will you buy
      another drink
iitywybmab -- if I tell you, will you
      buy me another beer
ikiwisi -- I know it when I see it
imao -- in my arrogant opinion
imbo -- in my bloody opinion
imcdo -- in my conceited dogmatic opinion
ima -- in my experience
imho -- in my humble opinion
imnsho -- in my not so humble opinion
imo -- in my opinion
impov -- in my point of view
inaa -- I'm not an accountant
inal -- I'm not a lawyer
inpo -- in no particular order
iou -- I owe you
iow -- in other words
irl -- in real life
istm -- it seems to me
istr -- I seem to recall
itfa -- in the final analysis
itro -- in the region of
iwbni -- it would be nice if...
iwmao -- I'm working my ass off
iyswim -- if you see what I mean


jam -- just a minute
jas -- just a second
jic just in case
jit -- just in time

kcbiwiywi -- keep coming back,
      it works if you work it
kiss -- keep it simple stupid
kit -- keep in touch


ljbf -- let's just be friends
llta -- lots & lots of thunderous applause
lmao -- laughing my ass off
lol -- laughing out loud
ltr -- later
ltns -- long time no see
lyl -- love you lots
mego -- my eyes glaze over
mips -- meaningless information
      propagated by salespeople
mof -- matter of fact
mor -- middle of the road
morf -- male or female
motos -- member of the oppposite sex
motss -- member of the same sex
mung -- mash until no good

nak -- negative acknowledgement
nalopkt -- not a lot of people know
nbd -- no big deal
nfl -- no free lunch
nfw -- no fucking way
ng -- no good
nicbdat -- nothing is certain but
     death and taxes
nifoc -- nude in front of computer
nih -- not invented here
nimby -- not in my backyard
nimto -- not in my term of office
nino -- nothing in, nothing out
noyb -- none of your business
np -- no problem
nplu -- not people like us
nqa -- no question asked
nqos -- not quite our sort
nrn -- no response necessary
ntim -- not that it matters
nu -- name unknown

oao -- over and out
obtw -- oh by the way
oic -- oh I see
omg -- oh my god
otl -- out to lunch
otoh -- on the other hand
ots -- off the shelf
ottomh -- off the top of my head

pans -- pretty advanced new stuff
pcrcia -- people can't remember
      complicated industry acronyms
pd -- public domain
pds -- public domain software
pita -- pain in the ass
plokta -- press lots of keys to abort
pmbi -- pardon me butting in
pmetc -- pardon me et cetera
pmji -- pardon me jumping in
pmymhmmfswgad -- pardon me,
      you must have mistaken me
      for some one who gives a damn
pnp -- plug & play
pod -- piece of data
poets -- pass on everything,
      tomorrow's saturday
points -- pass on it now, tomorrow's
pos -- piece of shit
possl -- person of opposite
      sex sharing living quarters
pps -- post post scriptum
ptb -- powers that be


rtbl -- read between the lines
rhip -- rank has its privileges
rmf -- read me first
rofl -- rolling on floor laughing
roflahmsl -- rolling on floor laughing
      and holding my sides laughing
roflastc -- rolling on floor laughing
      and scaring the cat
roflmao -- rolling on floor
      laughing my ass off
rotfl -- rolling on the floor laughing
rsn -- real soon now
rtfaq -- read the faq
(frequently asked questions)
rtfm -- read the fucking manual
rtm -- read the manual
ruok -- are you okay?


sitd -- still in the dark
slc -- super low cost
smoc -- small matter of commitment
smop -- small matter of programming
snafu -- situation normal: all fucked up
sol -- shit out of luck
sop -- standard operating procedure
stfu -- shut the fuck up
sufid -- screwing up face in disgust
swag -- stupid wild-ass guess
swmbo -- she who must be obeyed
syt -- sweet young thing

tafn -- that's all for now
tanj -- there aint no justice
tanstaafl -- there aint no such thing
      as a free lunch
tbd -- to be decided
tbs -- to be specified
tbyb -- try before you buy
tcb -- trouble came back
td -- touchdown
tdm -- too damn many
tftt -- thanks for the thought
tgif -- thank god it's friday
tia -- thanks in advance
tic -- tongue in cheek
tinalo -- this is not a legal opinion
tinar -- this is not a recommendation
tiwtglgg -- this is where the goofy
      little grin goes
tjataw -- truth, justice and the
      american way
tl -- total loss
tlc -- tender loving care
tmk -- to my knowledge
tmtltbmg -- there's more to love than
     boy meets girl
tnx -- thanks
tptb -- the power that be
trdmc -- tears running down my cheeks
ts -- top secret
tsr -- totally stupid rules
ttb-- omk to the best of my knowledge
ttd -- things to do
ttfn -- ta ta for now
ttyl -- talk to you later
twic -- to whom it concerns
twid -- the way it's done
twimc -- to whom it may concern
tyvm -- thank you very much


ubd -- user brain damage
uok -- you ok?

vg -- very good

waef -- when all else fails
wag -- wild-ass guess
wc -- without charge
wibni -- would it be nice if..
wip -- work in progress
woa -- work of art
wrt -- with regard to
wtf -- what the fuck
wtfdik -- what the fuck do I know
wth -- what the hell
wygiwypf -- what you get is what
      you paid for
wysbygi -- what you see before
      you get it
wysiwyg -- what you see is what
      you get

yaba -- yet another bloody acronym
yaun -- yet another unix nerd
yhm -- you have mail
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