
Title: Pour

Author: Robin the Crossover Junkie

Rating: NC17

Spoilers: Waiting in the Wings

Disclaimer: It's all not mine. Which is sad.

Summary: I was disappointed. Two of the Fang Gang were left alone, and they were the ones I didn't WANT left alone. Dammit. So I fixed it. Dammit.

Pairing: Wesley and Angel

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"No, I rather thought you wouldn't."

"Then why are you here?" Angel spoke the words on a snarl, still not turning away from the window.

"Because...I don't want to talk about it either." Wesley's voice was soft and determined, and his eyes didn't waver from the vampire's back. "I don't wish to think about it."

"What does it have to do with you?" Angel's voice was still snarling, but it held confusion as well, now.

"Your problem doesn't concern me, as mine doesn't concern you. However, I believe it's safe to say that both of us have been disappointed this evening."

Angel finally turned to face the Englishman, mistrust in his eyes. "Why are you here, Wesley?"

Wesley took a few steps forward until he was nose to nose with the vampire. His grey eyes glinted with pain and anger, then flicked down to Angel's grim lips. He pressed his own to them softly, brushing them against Angel's cool mouth questioningly. The he lifted his head back a few inches, and whispered, "To forget."

Angel nodded, his brown eyes flicking back and forth between Wesley's eyes and mouth. Decision made, the two men locked lips again, this time furiously.

The pain was enough to spur them on until both men were naked and writhing on Angle's large bed, the coverlet bunched and wrinkled under their intertwined bodies. Angel crushed Wesley against his chest, sinuously moving, unconsciously attempting to wipe off the contact of Cordelia's skin. He needed to be rid of her taste, so he licked his way down the ex-watcher's body, relishing in the hoarse cry as he engulfed the straining flesh before him.

Wesley hoped this would be enough. The stars flashing behind his eyes as he was tasted and licked, nearly swallowed, served well enough to wipe out the image of Fred and Gunn's kiss, but only for fleeting seconds. All too soon, Angel made his way back up to Wesley's mouth and kissed him.

They both needed to pour out the misery, and the pain, of the evening. Briefly Wesley wondered if it would ever be enough, if they would ever succeed. Or if they were doomed to seek comfort in each other's arms as they tried to mend their hearts. The thoughts slipped away as he reached down between their thrusting bodies to encircle their erections, pumping them together furiously. He swallowed Angel's moan with a kiss, and let out a hoarse cry of his own as Angel slipped a hand under him to push a finger into his puckered opening. The touch was enough to send him over, and as his cock poured out its hot seed, his heart poured out his misery with it. He felt Angel stiffen above him and flood his stomach with cooler semen, and then the room was silent save for is own labored breathing.


get this gear!