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Things Tortall People Would Never Say, or Things You Would Never Say to Them

Alanna: This is lovely tea mr brogrigard but my husband and i must return to slaughtering scunks. dreadful thing violence don't you think darling? George:yes righty good show chaps .what? what? Alanna:come on thom stop throwing suger cubes at mr. brogrigard you're ruining my tea party! George:Rather!

(daine flying bird shape except head of human) Daine:I'm like a bird i wanna fly away! Numair:Daine come down you are scaring me! Daine: i don't know where my clothes is ! i don't know where home is! numair:Daine you clothes are down here and you live with me! Daine:cos baby i chooseee!

(Thayet and Jon in same position as jack and rose when she's on the the door in Titanic) Jon:i don't want to die but if you wanna live then have the door! Thayet:Jon i'm cold and i love you i want to die i could'nt bear living without you! Jon:Then roll off the door and buzz off i wanna live B*tch! muh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

--Sent in By ~*Naomi*~

Anyone to Alanna (unless they wanted to be hurt, badly) "George is a duffle-brained idiot" or "Your a $lut," oooor "faithful was a demon". Both are totally not true! --Sent in by Beka

Daine - (She just called a cow to her and shot an arrow at it, duh, killing it) What? It will only end up as a burger anyway

George - Your Magesty, King Jonathan, Do you have any Great Pupon?

Daine - (A bunch of hond dogs just came running out of houses to her ) ! Hey ! Who let the dogs out!!!

Alanna when Jon was prince - (with the rogue singing songs) He's sure to be known as Jon the 3rd, instead he should be known as Jon the terd...... Abast for the prince jon, the phony king of tortall!!! --Sent in by Panther

Things You could never say to alanna:

"I thought men are supposed to be knights..."

"Women can't fight..they are the weaker sex.."

--Sent in by Rachel

Moonlight is a degusting old nag.

Thom was a lazy, cotten-for-brains idiot.

OH NO! There's a humungous taratanula on your back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sent in by Maggie

Say this is still when Alanna is a squire and no one knows she is a girl but Jonathan. Well, this is when they are "courting".

At five o'clock in the morning, King Roald has some news of an invasion near Scanra and he has to go right away so he decides to go and get Jonathan himself. The king does not suspect there is something not to be seen in Jonathan's rooms, so he just barges in. Alanna and Jonathan are just SLEEPING, but when the king barges in, they wake up. The king sees Jonathan has someone else in his bed, he tries to excuse himself, but when he recognizes young Alan of Trebonds face, he becomes throughlly distressed. In the dark, the King can not see Alanna is a girl, so he assumes the first thing that pops to mind if you see something like this. The king now thinks Jonathan is sleeping with his male squire. Alanna tries to explain:

-I'm a girl. -No your not. -But, it's all normal. -No it isn't. -But you don't understand. -Yes I do. And so this goes on for quite a while. -sent in by Sara

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