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You Know You're Obsessed When..

You show alot of respect to short people.

When someone says, "Whos' the queen?" You say, "Thayet!"

You ask older kids if you can be their squire.

You try to listin to whales.

When your family asks you where you want to go on your next vacation, you say, "The Copper Islands!"

you call you mom Lianne and your dad Roald.

YOu buy a really ugly dog.

You go around the house convinced that you are a wolf.

You buy many small, porcilen cats.

You make friends with anyone named Neal, Jonathan, Gay, or Raoul

When you have the fever, you cry because you are afraid you have the Sweating Sickness.

You never go near anyone named Delila.

Sent by Vicki

You wear your cat upon your left shoulder, regardless of what color it is, even though it's clawing you to death.

When, in class, you are told to answer a question, you snap at your teacher, saying you are thinking up a new spell with your Gift.

You talk to animals and expect them to answer in mindspeech.

You wear a robe and tell everyone you're the greatest mage there is.

You name your pets Faithful, Kitten, Brokefang, Peachblossom, etc.

You get up before dawn to practice your Shang fighting.

You hate anyone named Ralon, Roger, Wyldon...for no reason whatsoever.

Your sword is named Lightning and you wear it to bed.

Sent in by Me :)

These were sent in by Rachel!

You put on purple contacts are dye your hair red.

Say you have a twin named Thom.

Won't date anyone unless they are named George or Jonathon.

These were sent in by Adoracia!

If anyone asks you what you want to be when you grow up, you answer knight, mage, Shang Fighter...

When people ask where you're from, you answer Tortall, and ignore their strange looks.

You can answer the whole quiz without looking at a book.

These were sent in by Nicole!

You name your iguana Kitten and insist that it is a dragon.

When the class brain starts lecturing you, you ask if they know about the Banjiku or Doi seers.

You avoid any boys named Roger, even if they are cute and really nice and espicially nice to you.

When your science teacher talks about the ozone layar, you grit your teeth and declare your ready for war.

Get a crush on the new boy Jonathan before you even meet him and ask if George will teach you Shang.

You get excited when a new girl named Elana joins your class even though her name is spelled with the "E" and one "n"

These were sent in by Skyelark!

Your e-mail or screen name has something to do with TP's books

You walk around insisting everyone call you Daine, Alanna, or Kel

You spend hours on the computer looking up TP sites

You search bookstores frantically trying to find the most recent TP book that was supposed to be released that day

When you see a really tall guy with black hair you run up to him and ask him if is name is Numair

You can recite whole paragraphs of TP's books word for word

You use quotes from the characters in your everyday life. ex- "What has that got to do with the price of peas in Persopholis?!?!"

These were sent in by Sir Alanna

You make a wooden sword and challenge one of your friends that you insist to call them Alex and ask to duel.

You say you have a purple gift

You ask your older companion to cut your hair

You insist that you are a squire, a knight, or a page

You run up to the first black haired guy you see (gotta be cute) and ask : Are you Prince Jonathan?

Sent in by elynei of costael

you wear a black robe and try to turn all your enemies into trees.

you spend hours outside trying to get sparrows into your room.

you get up every morning at dawn and say to yourself "I am stone" as you do glaive practices.

you have a fear of mister roger(s).

you go around looking for people named ralon or joren to beat up

you're convinced that Jackie chan is a shang warrior

Sent in by Gifted_Lioness

You try to look up Numair in the phone book to learn Wild Magic

You wear a piece of coal around your neck, insisting the Goddess gave it to you

You try to bring animals to life in museums

You refuse to eat deer and other game

You wear a black bath robe and tell everyone you're a great and powerful mage

You say you can talk with your cat

You won't wear anything but chain mail and robes

Sent in by Panther

You ace yur medival endland fuedal system with your extensive knowledge of it from the TP books

You name your horse toys cloud, Darkmoon, Moonlight, darkness....

Sent in by Danielle

you draw lioness rampant designs all over your stuff.

you sit for hours trying to enter the mind of your cat.

you believe you can shape-shift.

when you go to Tammy's book signing's you drop to the floor and bow making your head touch the floor.

Sent in By Risiska

You're so obsessed with your favorite TP charachter, that when you mention their names, everyone in the room leaves.

You know one person in your school who looks *exactly* like Kel.

When you go into a bookstore, you absolutley have to go and find a TP book, even though you own it already.

You complain to the salesman at the bookstore that the TP books do not belong in the drama section. You break into the bookstore at 2:00 A.M. to put the books in the fantasy aisle (where they belong!)

You've associated your favorite TP charachters with everything...a color...a scent..a song...ect...

If someone in a room says "I need a chair," you jump up and say, "Who said Numair?!?!?"

You rewrite the songs to Mambo #5 (A little bit of Alanna in my life, a little bit of George by my side....)

You tell your little relatives bedtime stories about how Thom brought Duke Roger back to life...

When you can't sleep at night, you grab a TP book and cuddle it like a teddy bear.

Sent in by Talia Falcon

You talk with George's or Daine's accent

You love the name Liam

Your teacher calls you 'Numair' just like you told him to. Even if you're female!

You tell anyone named Jon to stop courting Alanna and let George have her

You have an unnatural obsession with red hair and purple eyes . . .

You won't buy a cat unless it's black,

Or a pony unless it's grey or palomino,

And your pretend your canary is a sparrow named 'Queen'

You instantly love anyone named 'Neal'

Your dog's name is 'Jump' Sent in by ~*Naomi*~

every time you see a rat you scream and say it's one of the three miserys

when you see a tall woman who is especily pretty you start praiseing her calling her the Great mother

every time you see a girl with red hair you get enoyed and insist your alanna not her

you talk to pets

you stop at pets you talk to trees "they could of been a person once"

you dress your dog in jewls and say he's an animal god

you wear tights with shorts over the top in mid summer and wonder why you stink of sweat!

Sent in by Mistress of Purple Magic

You save your allowance for a year to buy a pony, and name it cloud, or peachblossem

quit reading Harry Potter for the millionth time and start reading TP books.

You catch yourself howling at the full moon.

You insist to your parents that the daddy long-leg in your bedroom is virtuously trying to eat you whole.

You worry yourself sick about the ordeal of knighthood your about to take.

You start picking fights with people who say girls are weak.

You skip your veggies, and go right to the cake.

Sent in by Purple Fire

you suddenly have a terrible fear of heights, and refuse to go on that backpacking trip to Mt. Lasson you have been looking forward to for ages.

You hate superstitious people who don't like black cats.

You make the sign against evil when you don't like something.

when you are at volley ball camp, and are practicing diving, you deal with the pain by pretending you are Alanna or Kel practicing to fall.

You dress in Black and march around slowing in mourning for all the charecters who died.

When ever you go to grave yards, you look for rats. You spend hours thinking of the books as movies. Ha, ha. Sadly I do this all the time!!:-)

Sent by AznLadyKnight13

You claim that your lizard or iguana can turn people into stone

Cut off your hair, bind up your chest and act like a boy so that you can join a boy's sports team

You make a necklace and tell people that it wards off pregnancy

You say you fell down when you got beat up

You stare into the fire in the fireplace trying to see a vision

Stick extra lead in your tennis racket or baseball bat to improve your strength

You beg a person to send you expensive gifts and act as if you don't know who sent them to you
