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Application For Employment

Saint Patrick American School
Accessed on

Apdo. 68-5400Puntarenas, Costa Rica
School phone:  011-506-663-3839
Fax:  011-506-663-1524

 This application will be submitted to: 

Name as it appears on passport: 
Full address:  Street 
 City, State/Province 
ZIP/Postal Code Country 
Phone:  E-mail:  
Applicant's Date of Birth
  Marital Status
  Number of Dependants
University/CollegeDates attendedDegreeMajor
Teaching credentials held:
1.  2.  3. 
Interests and talents:
Employment history:
Employer, LocationDates employedPosition/Title
Experience in a foreign country:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Date you will be available for employment in Costa Rica:   
Our Costa Rican school year starts in February and runs through December 15th.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  Please fill in the information above completely and accurately.
  Use your <TAB> key or click with your mouse to move from field to field.  Pressing <ENTER> may send the form before you're finished.
  Our server should verify that your submission has been transmitted.  We certainly hope you will return to continue your visit!
  If you prefer not to transmit identifying information via Internet, you may print this page.  Please fax completed paper forms to 011-506-663-1524.
  The information you submit will be used only by Saint Patrick American School.


Thank You for Your Interest

What Happens Now

Clicking “Send Application” should automatically create an e-mail message containing the information you entered in the above form.  Our server immediately verifies when the form is transmitted.  Once your information is received, we will begin processing your application.  The recipients are agents of, with a vested interest in, Saint Patrick American School, Puntarenas, CR.  You can expect an acknowledgement via e-mail, thanking you for applying.  This may take a few days.

However, if you clicked the submit button and either, (a) you received an error message, or (b) nothing appeared to happen at all, you may wish to e-mail us directly.  Your new message should include the information requested in the above application form.  This is also recommended in the event you don't receive acknowledgement from Saint Patrick's within a week.

Alternatively, you may print this form out.  Then fax your completed application to the office at Saint Patrick American School, 011-506-663-1524.
Applicants who use Microsoft Word and whose e-mail server can handle attachments also have the option of downloading our application form:  open the document; use <tab> or arrow keys, or your mouse, to move between items; and type your information in the underlined areas.  Upon completing your application, please attach the file to an e-mail message addressed to  Again, expect acknowledgement via e-mail.

Once again, in order to obtain the documents necessary for you to work in Costa Rica, we will require:

  your University/College Diploma,
  passport photos, and
  a photocopy of your passport.
To help avoid delays in the final phases of this hiring process, please have these in order beforehand.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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