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links my cotillion memories

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last updated:08 Dec. 2003

design by Tamuríl Nólatári and Tigerlily Moss of Lake-By-Downs

Maganda pa-rin <3

***ahhhhhhh*** i'm sooo happppiiieeee XD
just picked up our *christmas ball* pictures from the studio with lynnie, and omg - we look sooo goooood! hehehe...i can't wait to show you all XD what an awesome day that was...*sigh*...

it is now midnight (1:19a to be exact) and i must say: **ahhhhhhhh** christmas ball was the best XD
i'm soo exhausted =__= ...but today was one of the best days ever! hehehe... this is what when down yesterday:
1) hair appointment at the hair salon/get nails done
2) get make-up done at home
3) head over to the photographer for my photo-shoot
4) go straight to emily's to get dressed, meet up with my wonderful date, jarret, lynnie and her date, michael-kun, and david (and took *many* pictures)
5) carpooled with david, emily, and jarrett to the photography studio (a certain school-supported photographer really sux...)
6) took *awesome* pictures XD
7) head over to kazoo (*ahh* so many memories...) and ate dinner... i hope we weren't too disruptive >.< -gomen-nasai-
8) travel to nd's christmas ball XD ...with jaimie in the car too! david, your music's awesome ^.^
9) dance the night away... and i mean dance hahahaha... jarrett, you're the *best* XD
so there you have it in a nutshell...jarrett, i'm really glad you felt better as the dance progressed...i hope you're feeling better now, too... i wish i could elaborate some more, but i'm *soo* exhausted. it's a miracle i even took the pains (good pains) of writing anything, to all a goodnight^.^

okae, obviously i've been pretty busy with school, cotillion practice, and everything else in the real yeah, today's just a compilation of a few quotes i've gathered in the recent past (to free some room in my aim profile...hehe):

piggy pork!
hey look, it's francis!

*woohoo* officially going to christmas ball ^.^

oooh...potato cookies!

and of course:

BOB is wrong.

hahaha...okae, it's probably not that funnie to you...but it is to meeeee XD

oh! and btw - thanksgiving weekend/vacation was the *best* - i luuuv you guys XD

just a quick note from my aim profile (i need more space...): times XD
okae, that's all ^.^

kno what really sux? having to sit in between someone who's off key and another who's completely tone deaf >.< before going to the cathedral's choir practice, i never knew how it would feel like to be in that situation. now i do =___=;; **argh** i have to choose my seat wisely next time...


**grrr** the stupid search engines (or whoever it is) took away my wonderful here i am, stuck with my old angelfire account T_T *sigh* the sadness... oh well, i guess this'll have to do for now... and for those of you who want to see the old site (or what's left of it), many apologies - tho i could post them up again, i really don't want to XP just think of this as a "new" start...
remember: with every beginning comes an end (Matrix...somewhat) and with every and comes a new beginning (me ^.^)