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Welcome to the RC, St. Louis Employee WebSite

*****LAST UPDATED 5/4/01*****

This Page is under perpetual construction, so please return back to visit often!


This website is designed for the employees of The Ritz-Carlton, St. Louis, MO. If you don't work here, you probably won't understand what I'm talking about, but feel free to check things out.

ATTENTION EMPLOYEES/MANAGERS: This site is for us, by us! If there is something you would like to see on this site, or anything that is incorrect, please feel free to call me or e-mail me. Remember, I'm only the Systems Manager at the hotel -_- I don't know everyone's job! :)

I NEED YOUR INPUT!! Tell me what you want to see, and what info you would like available to you!

Remember to sign the Guest Book so we'll know who was here!!

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PLEASE Sign The Guestbook

The Ritz Carlton Standards

The Three Steps of Service..... The Credo..... The Employee Promise..... The 20 Basics..... The Motto.....

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