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Webmaster's Rants

Here is where I put down my thoughts and/or complaints. Whatever comes to my mind. Also there might be times where I put what I'm going to add next and I forget to put it in the Coming Soon section. You never know. There will be times where I can't think of anything to put or I just don't think I should(uh-oh). Anyhoo, let the ranting begin!

9/26/02-Day 9-7:03pm.

Well, it's truly been a long time since I've written in this. Where should I start. . .

First, at the showings of the film that I was in for school I got a little friendlier with one of my guy friends and we ended up going out for, roughly, 2 months. We broke up in early August for reasons I'm not going to put on here because I'm still on talking terms with him.

Second, I took my friend Anna, the other Pegasus Martini band member, to Disneyland for her birthday September 2nd. When we were leaving we decided to go into Time Pieces on Main Street to look at the books with all the artists' artwork. We were looking at the Nightmare Before Christmas stuff and I said, "Oooh, look! It's Jack. He's so cool!" Well, maybe not word for word, but close enough. Anyhoo, there was a guy working there and obviously listening in on our conversation. He responded, "I know I am." Apparently his name is Jack. Long story short we all exchanged information and now we're going out. Man, am I happy. He's a tad bit older than me. He's 25 and I'm 17, but I don't mind. He's a geek and I love it. October 4th will be our month anniversary. Yeah, yeah. Call me obsessed, but I just tend to remember these things. Nothing illegal about having a memory, last time I checked.

Anna and I have started recording our first homemade album. It's called Warlike Grace and it will feature a wide variety of songs with only us and our guitar. :) Low budget, but at least we're making an effort, right? We still need to write a few more songs together otherwise it'll only be the one song we've written together and songs we've written alone with the other harmonizing. I'm quite proud of the turnout so far. When we finally get some more songs (and band members) I know a guy who'd love to be our manager and get us gigs in cool places.

Well, I guess I should stop for now. I'll really try to update this more often. Maybe someday I'll tell you all of how Jack and I realized we liked each other.

Peace, Love, and "I Want To Hold You (And Never Let Go)!!!!


4/16/02-Day 8-3:55pm.

Whoa! Dude, I am so psyched right now. My friend and I decided to start a band. So far we have two acoustics and two vocals. A.K.A. ourselves. We just decided to start a band on Friday, April 12th. It's called Pegasus Martini. We've written one song together, but yesterday afternoon we recorded the song we wrote together and some others we have written on our own. It's pretty cool and our recordings aren't that bad. Maybe someday I'll put some bits of the songs up for you to listen to some time.

Things are pretty bad otherwise. I won't get into details, though. I'm trying to avoid these other problems as much as possible.

I'm going to cut this rant really short. . .for once. Enjoy the rest of your day. . .er. . .night. :)

Peace, love, and Pegasus Martini!!!!


4/10/02-Day 8-3:55pm.

It's been a looooooooong time since I last wrote. Geez,I don't even know where to start. Well, a grip of stuff has happened since I last wrote. . .uh. . .ranted, but I'm sure I'll be able to catch you all up. Mwaa haa haa!!!

I'll start off with an update on the film I'm in. We finished writing the script and had to get it approved by the Theatre teacher's bosses. Man, we almost didn't have a film. We had to cut out a few scenes, but the film goes on. I've had a few quarrels with the teacher, but other than that the filming process.

Dude, everyone in my class thinks that this other guy and I are having a secret love affair. I think not! What they want and what we want are complete opposites. I guess it started over Spring Break when we first started filming. Sure we screw around, but there's nothing going on.

Speaking of this guy. I hope he goes with me on Saturday to hang out with my friends. They invited him along, but I'm not sure if he'll go. He has to tell me by tomorrow whether or not he can go. I'm sure the question "What does Ringa really think of him?" is going through your mind. Well, he's a pretty cool guy. He thinks the same way I do. . .in a bad way. :) I'm always hitting him for something, though. I feel bad for it sometimes, but other times (like when he calls me bulemic or anorexic) I think he deserves it. :-D

Things at home aren't any better than before, but the good thing is that they aren't any worse. Enough on that, though.

I haven't seen The Fab Four in a while. I could have on Saturday, but that guy said he'd rather go to DCA. The dork didn't want to go on any of the rides. We went on a few, though. We also saw the Muppet 3D show and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire-Play It! and he seemed to enjoy those. At least he acted like he did.

I think I should stop for now. I'll try to write on a more regular basis instead of these sporadic coming and goings. Maybe then they will be shorter. Enjoy the rest of your day!

Peace, love, and Ringo!!!!


11/17/01-Day 7-11:56pm

Well, it's a fun filled life for Webmaster Ringa right now. Do you know how much fun it is to sit inside all day with nothing to do? No where to go? No one to see? Did you know that it's so much fun to sit in your jail cell(a.k.a. home) and be able to read for hours on end? It's so much fun! Man, sometimes I have to take medication because I'm that euphoric. I love not having a real social life. Yeah, I have been working on the site as well and coming up with new things, but nothing is as exciting as wishing I could get out.

Okay, I'll stop with the sarcasm. It sucks, but it's normal now. I'm used to staying inside like a convict. I'm used to the word "No" when I ask to be let out of my permanent cage. I'm always surprised when she does decide I can stand out on the porch. Now that's a big step. I'm getting into the real world out there on the porch. I don't know if I can handle it half of the time. I think that she thinks I'm now old enough to be allowed onto the porch. A funny-strange-eerie-frightening thing happened the other day, though. I had recieved an invitaion from one of my friends for her Sweet Sixteen. I told her about it and I could tell from the look on her face that she didn't really want me to go, but she reluctantly said I could. I'm so happy! It's tomorrow at 5pm, so I may not be able to update.

I really hoped that that would have been all my mother would torture me with, but it wasn't. She just had to accuse me of the stupidest most grotesk thing my imagination could never come up with. She actually thought that one of my teachers and I were having some kind of love affair! How dumb is that? All because I stayed afterschool ONE TIME with another student working on a project. Yeah, he was in the room, but so were two other people. Two other people. Well, she obviously doesn't trust me. She probably thinks there's still something going on. Now it appears as if she has my sister convinced, too. A little background: I talk about all my teachers. You know, what goes on in class and so forth. My sister thinks I only talk about this one male teacher, but I don't. She spazes over everything. It's getting really annoying now.

Okay, I feel a little better now. Writing really does make a person feel better. Speaking of writing, I've been doing a lot of it lately. I'm working on a novel and I've been writing short scenes for my Theatre class at school. It's fun. And it's a little comforting that I'm venting all these things that have been haunting me for the longest time. They still haunt me, but it's not as bad as it used to be. I've noticed and learned something lately about writers in general, though. I learned that what pieces or books they consider stupid or crappy are actually excellent works to many others. Maybe someday I'll post some of the individual stuff I've written. Like excerps from my novel. Can't give you anything from the scenes I've written. Sorry.

I think I'll stop it here for tonight. . .uh. . .this morning. I think I've written enough anyway. Enjoy your day!

Peace, love, and Ringo!!!!


10/08/01-Day 6-4:21pm

I just found out this weekend that my cousin, Mark, was going to fly out today, I think, to Saudi Arabia on military duty. It has nothing to do with the Afghanistan thing, but if worse comes to worse, he'll probably have to go and fight. Same with my step-brother. I just hope and pray that they won't have to go and fight. Shoot, I didn't want America to go to any kind of war in the first place. Of course, we can't come up with a better idea than to bomb the hell out of them, now can we?

Things are getting really tight. Not just with our nation and Osama, but with everyone. I just don't see why everyone's acting like they've got a stick up their butt. Even some of my close friends are acting like that. I guess it's a result of the WTC, Pentagon and Pennsylvania disaster. It's expected, but only to a certain effect.

Isn't it funny how when people do something that they know is wrong they expect to get out of it with no consequences? Either that or they don't think it's wrong, but that it's right. Or they could have convinced themselves that it's not wrong. For example, someone cheats on a test and throws a piss fit when they're caught. Some even say, "Well, I didn't know!" Come on people! The teacher even says before they hand out the tests that cheating is unacceptable, or something along those lines. Think people! It's not that hard. Try it and you'll find it easier to cope with things.

Okay, I should stop before I get too carried away and really share my thoughts on the world. Until next time. . .

Peace, love, and Ringo!!!!


9/18/01-Day 5-6:57pm

What an eventful week we had last week, huh? I don't really want to get into it much because I tend to ramble on about it. I just think we should wait a while on the war thing. Last time I checked, we're not even sure who we'd go to war with. These terrorists are in, what, 34 different fricking countries! What are we going to do? Go to war with all of them? I think not. It'd be best to just go after those who are responsibe for this stupid stunt and kill them. Leave the innocent out of this. What would we be telling them by killing their innocent civilians? We'd be just as bad as they are.

I think I understand the importance of patriotism. I've never been so patriotic, and I'm not as patriotic as it might sound, in my life. I feel very disappointed in myself for that. Last week was the first time I said the Pledge of Alliegence in about a year. Yeah, I'd stand up and put my right hand over my heart, but that's it. Sad, isn't it?

A lot has been going on besides the WTC disaster. I'm not going to say what it is specifically. . .yet. I'll just say that I'm happy about it. :) Someday I'll spill it, but not now.

I've started school since I last wrote. Man is my year going to be fun and easy. That's an understatement if I ever heard one. My classes are going to be tough on me this year. Lots and lots of homework. What's the point of going to school if you're just going to end up doing the same work at home? I never understood that. Yeah, some may argue, "Well, it's so you can get more practice at it." Isn't that what review and classwork is for? Anyway, I'm going to do my best so I can graduate in 2003. Two more bloody years!

Well, I really don't know what more to say at the moment. I'll leave you with this one last note: The terrorists may have one the battle, but they will NOT win the war. I mean that as, they may have destroyed our buildings, but they have not and will not destroy our spirit and love for one another.

Peace, love, and U.S.A.!!!!

8/27/01-Day 4-1:20pm

It's been a few weeks since I last wrote. I finally got some things done that I wanted to. I have the New! page and the 2nd page of the photo gallery up. I have been working on the Lyrics page, but I've still got a lot to do with it. I've been experimenting with my HTML and trying to find out how to make the site look better and even trying to fnd out how to do some cool things with it. I'm working on a new look for the site. I'm still debating whether or not to go with it. I'll just compare the two and see what I like better.

It's been a little tough to work the past few days. Even last night. People kept on IMing me and asking things like, "Hi, what are you doing? Are you busy? Okay, I guess so. What's your website about? Can I see? What's the URL? What's The Beatles? Who's Ringo?" That can get annoying after a few hours. Some of these people I don't even know. Yeah, I like to promote my site, but that's a little too much.

Things are getting better at home, which means that I'll be able to work with a clearer mind. School is going to start next Thursday after Labor Day, so things might not be updated until 3 or 4 in the afternoon. Either that or I'll do updates before I go to bed. That's what I do now, so I might be able to continue that after school starts. Hopefully the site won't start to slip away from me the next 9 months or so. I have hard classes this year and doing the work for them will be killer. I'll have to use the computer for at least one of them, so I can try to sneak a little time in for updates.

I saw The Fab Four the past three weeks on Tuesdays, Wednesdays,and Thursdays. I didn't go the whole time they were at Disneyland, but I still took time off from the websites to relax. Yes, that's right. Websites. I have two Ringo sites. Pretty much the same except that this site has some things the other doesn't and the other site has some things this site doesn't. When I get around to doing the Links page I'll put a link up to the other one. I seem to be working on this site more than the other one and I don't even need HTML for the other one.

I've rambled on way too long today. A lot can happen in two weeks, I guess. Or I just have too much on my mind right now. Bye-bye for now. Enjoy!

8/13/01-Day 3-10:35pm

Well, I decided to go on an extended vacation. I was really busy this weekend anyway. You know, family business. My unlce came into town and it was my grandmother's anniversary. Lots of driving and running around. I've been going on vacation a lot lately because I've been going to see The Fab Four. Awesome Beatles tribute. They'll be at D-land Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at Club Buzz this week and next week if you want to stop by. You can also stop by and say "Hi" to me. I'll be on the side of the stage.

I finally got around to putting up the notice saying I am on vacation. I just found a little time to put it up today. I'll be back on Friday to do some more updates and I might do some updates tomorrow, Wednesday, or Thursday. I'll be on vacation again next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as well.

Well, I've already written too much. I tend to ramble on like that. Glad I didn't say all that's on my mind. Enjoy the rest of the site and the rest of your day.

8/06/01-Day 2-4:50pm

Well, things are getting tough. I know what to do, but don't know how I'm going to do it. My other site is okay, but I still have to add a lot of things. I still have lots of pictures to add.

Things are still tense here at home. I'm going on vacation again tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday, but the daily updates may continue those days. New pictures may be added as well.

8/06/01-Day 1-7:11pm

Well, I've got a lot of things to do this week. I'm planning on putting up some more pictures and I am hoping on getting up the Lyrics page. Well, some of the Lyrics. I still haven't done the daily updates for tomorrow. I have time and it's still early.

A lot has been going on at my house so I haven't been able to do what I had planned the last few weeks, but everything should be able to go smoothly now. Well, better get back to work. I'm going to add some more pictures.

This page was last updated on October 18, 2002 at 12:16am.