QAF Addiction News Archive - June 2003

  June 29, 2003
Thea GillThe National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) has selected Thea Gill to receive their National Leadership Award. Presented annually, the National Leadership Award honors those individuals who have been champions of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) rights. "The Leadership Awards, for all of us, present an opportunity for us, not only to thank our allies, but to re-dedicate ourselves to the vision of full and complete equality for GLBT people," says NGLTF executive director Lorri L. Jean. Thea was chosen for this award in honor of her work on QAF. Specifically, it was her courageous move to portray an "out" lesbian, mom and wife although she lives her real life as a heterosexual, as well as the fact that she plays the role so extremely well lesbians can identify with the character of Lindsay that made her truly deserving of this recognition. Thea will accept the award when she and husband Brian attend the NGLTF's Sunset Deck Party on the afternoon of Sunday, August 24, 2003 in Provincetown, Massachusetts. Congratulations, Thea!

The response to Dean Armstrong's return to QAF has been tremendous, according to his official website. The owners of the site and Dean himself appreciate all the new visitors and encourage everyone to visit the forum during the hiatus. They confirm that Dean will be on screen again in season 4 as "Blake", although the specific number of episodes have yet to be determined.

Carlo RotaFor those who subscribe to the Food Network in Canada, you can watch Carlo Rota (Gardner Vance) as he travels across Canada in search of the country's best culinary delights. Recently nominated for a prestigious James Beard Award for excellence in culinary journalism, The Great Canadian Food Show visits every province to experience Canada's wealth of ethnic and regional influence, whether it's Ukrainian perogies in the prairie flatlands or Cambodian noodle soup in Vancouver.

Hal SparksThere's a new interview with Hal Sparks at Hal is touring the USA this summer doing stand-up comedy (he just finished a two-night run at The Comedy Store in La Jolla this weekend. If he's not coming to a city near you, don't despair, you can catch him on the Wayne Brady Show on July 14th. If you want more information on Hal, check out the newly renovated Halarius website, with new updates and pictures for you to explore.

Don't forget to catch Hal and Scott Lowell back-to-back this Wednesday, July 2nd on Showtime Showcase East. Hal appears in Bleacher Bums at 8pm and Scott takes on a new role in the film On The Edge at 10pm.

Peter Paige's appearance on Open Mike with Mike Bullard, which originally aired on March 28, will be rebroadcast on Wednesday July 16th.

  June 27, 2003
NYC Hall NYC Hall
There are new pictures up at of Gale, Bobby and Sharon from the ceremony at New York City Hall today - Hollywood and Broadway Salute to Lesbian and Gay Pride 2003.

There are also new photos of Hal Sparks being his usual goofy self, getting his nails painted at The Kahlua Lounge Benefiting Dress for Success (enter his name in the search field).

  June 26, 2003
Showtime: No LimitsShowtime: New Limits?
Robert Greenblatt, one of the founding partners of the Greenblatt Janollari Studio, has been hired by Showtime Networks to replace Jerry Offsay, head of Programming, who has been planning for some time to step down later this year. As head of Entertainment, Mr. Greenblatt will oversee acquisitions, program development, scheduling and marketing for Showtime and its sibling networks, the Movie Channel and Flix. It's difficult to say what impact the new executive will have on the future of Queer As Folk, because while Showtime has received critical praise and strong ratings for its original programming, Chairman and CEO Matthew C. Blank has indicated an interest in broadening the spectrum and becoming "a little more commercial" (not sure I like the sound of this!), putting the network more in line with premium-cable rival HBO. It's ironic, actually, that the CEO wants to move away from the very thing that, in my opinion, has brought Showtime much of its recent business success: the groundbreaking nature of QAF.

When combined with recent comments from Ron Cowen and Dan Lipman about rising production costs, and their fears of the show becoming too "repetitive", these developments do not bode well for the future of QAF. If you are interested in taking action, and doing your part as a 'fan' to ensure the continuation of Queer As Folk, writing to the studios and to the Network is a good idea. In fact, even Scott Lowell suggested doing so as a means of showing support, particularly since he, and others, feel that season 4 should NOT be the last one for QAF. While the actors themselves are on hiatus until this Fall, the rest of the production team, including the writers, will be back at work in the next few weeks. They will be sketching out the storylines for next season, and making the decisions that will determine where the gang ends up next Spring, and whether they will be returning for another season after that. NOW is the time to let the producers, editors, consultants, writers, etc. know what we think, and what we want to see. Writing to Showtime can help as well; at the very least, it lets those in charge know that the following for QAF is strong, because for every letter they receive, there are dozens, even hundreds more who share the same views, but haven't taken the time to put pen to paper.

I would recommend sending letters to the Producers (Ron Cowen, Daniel Lipman, Tony Jonas, Sheila Hockin) and to the writers/editors, as well as the above-mentioned executives at Showtime care of the Network or the show itself at the following addresses:

Showtime Networks Inc.QAF Productions
1633 BroadwayDufferin Gate Studios
New York NY  1001920 Butterick Road
USAToronto ON  M8W 3Z8

  June 26, 2003
Scott LowellSeveral new clips of the Season 3 finale (episode 314) have been uploaded to various fan sites online. If you have not yet seen the episode, you may want to wait so as not to 'spoil' yourself! has three new episode highlight clips available for download. Sandstorm's page features many new treasures as well. You can also find a new clip of the week featuring Ted in the media section at Thanks to all the editors for putting these files together and sharing them with us!

Scott's chat transcript has been posted to the Showtime site. The fans had a lot of questions for the actor regarding Ted's downward spiral in season 3, and Scott answered their questions candidly and with his usual sense of humor. He also made it very clear that he truly appreciates meeting the fans and getting feedback from them, even when the public appearances take place in the middle of their busy shooting schedule, and he is perhaps not as attentive as he would like to be. Here are some of the things he had to say about Ted:

"It was an odd mix of being fun and horrifying all at once. I was very scared to let him go to such horrific depths. It was hard for me to let him get into situations that I knew the fans of the show would hate him for, especially being so mean to Saint Emmett. Whom everybody loves so much. That was really tough for me to do and I fought it a bit. I finally had to kind of let him go through this terrible journey, because I knew in the end it was all for a good purpose, but I feel very very fortunate that Dan and Ron trusted me, that I wouldn't let Ted become too despised, that I would be able to find a way to help people understand the pain that he's in and the reasons why he turned into the evil Ted that he did. Hopefully, I accomplished that."

"Now here's an odd thing: I lost weight at the end of the season to try and make Ted look unhealthy due to his drug addiction, but it seems the skinnier I got and the more gaunt I looked, the hotter people said I was. I'm a little worried about our fanbase." (ha ha, Scott)

When asked about the camaraderie among the cast, Scott says, "Working together so closely and often nakedly on the show has made us one big crazy dysfunctional family, and we miss each other terribly when we're not around each other every day."

  June 25, 2003
Following Thursday's Gay Pride ceremony at New York City Hall, some of the celebrants (including QAF's Gale Harold, Sharon Gless and Bobby Gant) are headed to John Blair's XL Lounge in Chelsea (, the nightclub that is hosting this year's 2nd Annual Gay Pride Extravaganza. HX Magazine says "XL is to most other bars what Disneyworld is to a country fair." The club is reportedly filled with hordes of tight-shirted men sipping Melontinis, served by bartenders who follow a strict dress code of black pants and large pecs. All the drama takes place beneath a mood-lighting system that changes constantly over the course of the evening. No word yet as to what Gale and fellow honorees might think of the fish-tank-enhanced urinals (if they're adventurous enough to face the crowds, that is!).

Would you like your very own autographed copy of QAF Season 2? You can enter the "One-of-a-Kind QAF DVD Box set contest" sponsored by Alliance Atlantis Broadcasting Inc. at the website. All you have to do for a chance to WIN this rare Box set is answer a simple question about the current season, sign-up for the Newsletter, and then provide some information about yourself. The contest closes July 11th. Good luck!

If you haven't seen the film Wake yet (featuring Gale Harold), there are a couple of screenings coming up in July:

  • The film will be shown at the 6th Annual Maine International Film Festival on Saturday, July 12 at 7:00 PM (OH) and again on Sunday, July 13th at 12:30pm (RR3). Check the Festival site for more information.
  • New York's Stony Brook University's Campus Residences is tentatively presenting a screening and discussion of Wake at the Student Activities Center Auditorium (Sac Aud) which seats about 525 people, from 7:00 PM to 10:30 PM on Thursday, July 17th. The event is listed on Stony Brook's website (click on the Events calendar for details).

  June 24, 2003
Bobby GantShowtime has added Bobby Gant's "A Day in the Life" segment to their site. Check out Robert as he moves through his day from a peek inside his trailer, shooting a scene from different angles, pumping iron in the gym, hanging out with Hal Sparks and giving us some insight into his job. A couple of interesting revelations... apparently the show received a lot of feedback on the flashback scenes from the White Party where Ben and Brian had sex involving bondage- with requests for MORE of the same! Bobby talks about his coming out last year, and how no matter what anyone says, it has to be on your own timeline. For him, it all happened exactly the way it was supposed to, he says. When Hal joins Bobby in the gym, he jokes that Gale spends a lot of time there... not working out, but making phone calls because the reception is great! Near the end of his day, Bobby recreates the pose he and Michelle did for Perry Ellis... not with her, but with the sound guy!

Catch Hal Sparks and Scott Lowell back-to-back on July 2nd on Showtime Showcase East in Bleacher Bums at 8pm and On The Edge at 10pm, respectively.

  June 23, 2003
Toronto Pride 2003While many fans watched the Season Finale last night on Showtime, and are sadly saying goodbye to new episodes for another year, there is still much to celebrate! Pride festivals are going strong across North America this summer. The theme for Toronto Pride Week 2003 which kicks off today, is: Pride 3D: Diverse - Defiant - Divine. Showcase is one of the sponsors, so there's sure to be some QAF merchandise and free giveaways along the parade route and at the venues. Pride Week in New York City is filled with activities as well. Check out for more information. Both QAF and Showtime are sponsors of this event, so be sure to keep an eye out for their participation as well!

There are only a few dates left on the Babylon Tour:
June 27 - Columbus (featuring Chris Cox and the Babylon Go-Go Boys)
June 29 - Houston (featuring DJ Tracy Young and Robert Gant as host)
July 04 - Vancouver (featuring DJ Peter Rauhofer)
July 05 - Seattle (featuring DJ Chris Cox)
Visit the official site for more information.

New photos taken by Christina Radish at the Runway event for Destination Foundation are posted in the Gallery at

Scott chatted with fans last night after the Season finale on Showtime... look for the transcript to be posted at the website soon.

Are you a fan of Dean Armstrong (Blake)? Annie and Laura at invite you to visit the official forum and chat with other Dean fans about his work (or even post a message to the actor himself). You can find pictures of Dean and other QAF cast members, crew, and on set locations as well as NYC Pride photos in the Queer As Folk section.

There's a new review of Particles of Truth at Says Eric Campos of the film, "Beneath all of the psychosis; beneath all of the self-doubt; beneath the lies; and beneath the misery is a simple, but inspiring message – Don’t be afraid to live your life because you never know how much longer you’re going to have it. Something like that, anyways. Very unusual that a film focusing on characters this miserable can be so uplifting, but here it is, and it’s damn fine."

Last but not least, the Appearances page has been updated with new information on hiatus projects for the actors.

  June 17, 2003
Peter Paige has posted a new message for fans on the "Connection" page of his website ( It seems that things are finally lined up for his directorial debut, and he will begin working on the film Donut Hole in the Spring of 2004. In the meantime, he's hanging out in sunny California, and you can catch him in a world premiere play called Eden Lane at the La Jolla Playhouse ( from mid-August to mid-September, after which he will return to Toronto to begin work on Season 4 of QAF.

Eden LaneEden Lane is written by Tom Donaghy and directed by the Playhouse's own Des McAduff, and centers around a distressed woman named May who leaves the city to establish her dream home. Once there, she finds things with her husband, daughter and gay best friend aren't as she had planned. The problem? Her interior designer won’t let her put a window in her bedroom wall. While May’s busy trying to look outside, the view inside the house reveals more problems than she could ever have anticipated. As her complicated family—May’s martini-loving husband Philip, her nursing-student daughter Ruby and her long-suffering gay best friend Timothy—try to live in a new place, they come to see each other in a new light.

Speaking of Peter... he, along with buddy Scott Lowell and the producers of QAF, Ron Cowen and Daniel Lipman, showed up at the Los Angeles Film Festival this past weekend to support Gale and see Particles of Truth. From all accounts, it seems the boys were in good spirits and very happy to see each other after being separated during the first part of their hiatus from QAF this summer. Peter mentioned on his website that they are all close, and try to see each other whenever they are in the same city. The actors spoke candidly with fans, signed autographs, took pictures, and joked around with one another. As with the Tribeca Film Festival, there was a brief Q&A period following the screening, during which Gale spoke about how he became involved with the project, how he read twice for the part of Morrison (once over the phone, and once at Jennifer Elster's offices in NYC). It seems apparent that Gale is very proud of this film and has been doing his best to help promote it in the hopes of finding a distributor.

According to the Gale Harold fan site, the indie film Wake will be screened at the Maine International Film Festival ( on Saturday, July 12th at 7:00 pm at the Waterville Opera House in Waterville, Maine. Gale and some of his co-stars are scheduled to appear.

Bleacher TicketOne of the busiest actors on the show is Robert Gant, who recently chatted with fans online and has several appearances lined up in the coming weeks. Bobby's chat transcript has been posted to the Showtime site ( The actor says he really "digs" the character of Ben, and part of why he wanted to take the role in the first place was because he felt that he had many things in common with Ben. They both share a love of literature, and are interested in a spiritual path. They both consider fitness to be important and love to dance. Of his contribution to QAF, he says, "I think Ben has added a level of maturity to the show. I think that the characters when they began were very much at the beginning of an evolutionary process that they're somewhere in the middle of now. And I think Ben cam to the show having done a lot of work on himself. I think also part of why the producers like the character was that when they actually saw him on the screen they felt like his was a voice that didn't otherwise exist. And I think he's also a really interesting counterbalance to Brian. They're both very strong alpha gay male characters. Who believe strongly in their life paths and yet htose paths are so divergent. They're virtually polar opposites. I thnk that makes Ben's addition to the show an important one.":

If you want to see more of Bobby, he will be at Houston Pride ( on June 28, 2003, appearing on a Night Pride float. The following night, Bobby will be appearing at the night club South Beach on the final stop of the QAF Babylon Tour. Check the appearances page for more events.

Scott LowellScott Lowell will be chatting with fans this Sunday, June 22nd, immediately following the season finale. Log on to Showtime at 10pm ET to chat with other fans and submit questions for Scott, who will be joining fans around 10:45pm ET.

New photos have been added to the Set Design section of the Showtime site, including behind the scenes looks at the sets of Woody's and Babylon. There is also a new interview with Michael Perlmutter the Music Coordinator. For those who are interested in the sounds behind the scenes, this is a great opportunity to learn more about how things are put together. Michael says, "In Season 1, we had a composer on board for a few episodes but realized that we rarely used him. The show's style is not typically 'musically dramatic' compared to other shows. We do not use score in the emotional or dramatic scenes. We sometimes use music but most often we let the characters drive the scene. In addition, we have used various musicians in Toronto to help us with certain scenes.". He also says that the music chosen is often something he thinks the characters WOULD listen to IF it is playing in their home, but when the music plays on top of a scene, they play what they think works with the emotion. "We like to use eclectic music - artists/songs that aren't that familiar to the audience. It's fresh for everybody and adds a certain uniqueness to the show." He explains that it can be quite expensive to acquire a song. "There are many variables that make a song expensive: Over end credits, stature of song/artist, duration of song (1 minute vs. 5 minutes), and the various terms that we have to negotiate - for TV, for Video, and length of term (Perpetuity or 5 years etc.)". Visit the Showtime site for more of this interview.

New pictures have been added to the Queer As Folk Gallery section (under "Miscellaneous QAF") on Dean Armstrong's website ( There are cute shots of Dean with Gale and with Scott from the Perry Ellis/Details Party earlier this year in Toronto.

Michelle Clunie's website reports that she was named Grand Marshall of Key West Pride. Keep an eye on the photos section of their site (currently featuring Pride 2002) for some colorful images.

Last but not east, it is being reported that the movie Bang Bang You're Dead (featuring Randy Harrison) is slated for DVD release by Paramount in September of 2003.

  June 13, 2003
LA Film FestivalLA Film Festival Gale Harold and Jennifer Elster were on hand at the ArcLight Cinerama Dome in Hollywood Wednesday evening for "The Cooler" Los Angeles Premiere & 2003 IFP Los Angeles Film Festival Opening Night sponsored by In Style. Particles of Truth will be screened tomorrow night and again on Monday. If you've seen the film and would like to show your support, you are encouraged by the producers to enter positive feedback and comments at The Internet Movie Database (IMDb). Scroll down to "I have seen this movie and would like to comment on it" and follow the link provided (note: if you are not already registered, you must do so before posting comments). We wish Jennifer and her entire team all the best at the fest!

  June 12, 2003
Pride Week Festival 2003In keeping with a longstanding tradition, Showcase is presenting The Pride Week Film Festival, nightly from June 16th - 21st, in honour of the annual Toronto Pride Week event. If you can't be one of the hundreds of thousands of fun-seeking revellers who furiously descend upon the Ontario city to celebrate the best and boldest that the GLBT community (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered) has to offer, be there in spirit by taking in some of the finest GLBT-themed films and television series from the past decade in the week-long tribute. As reported earlier, the UK version of QAF will air in its entirety next week:

Queer As Folk (The British version):
Episode 1 & 2: Monday, June 16th at 1 a.m. et/pt
Episode 3 & 4: Tuesday, June 17th at 12 a.m. et/pt
Episode 5 & 6: Wednesday, June 18th at 2 a.m. et/pt
Episode 7 & 8: Thursday, June 19th at 3 a.m. et/pt
Episode 9 & 10: Friday, June 20th at 2:30 a.m. et/pt
Stars Aidan Gillen, Craig Kelly, and Charlie Hunnam. Written by Russell T Davies.

Also from Showcase... "Experience Babylon as QAF's famous nightclub is re-created in some of the hottest night clubs in Canada using elaborate lighting and visuals, and authentic set items from the series." Watch a preview of the tour.

Folk Sales: From the "Ask Billboard" section of, in reply to a question from "Rich" about how well the QAF CD is doing, Keith Caulfield replies: Thus far, the "Queer As Folk: Season Three" soundtrack sold 6,000 copies in the U.S. in its first week, according to Nielsen SoundScan. Total, the Tommy Boy album has sold 10,000 in its two weeks in stores. The first two editions of the soundtracks to the U.S. series (as opposed to the releases that accompanied the U.K. original) have sold 125,000 ("Season One") and 66,000 ("Season Two").

Bobby Gant (Ben) will be chatting live with fans on Showtime's website this Sunday, June 15th, immediately following the episode. Log on at 10pm ET to chat with other fans and submit questions for Robert, who will be joining the group around 10:45pm ET.

In the June 12th edition of the LA Times', Kevin Thomas writes about Particles of Truth:
     The images of "Particles of Truth" are so sharp and cut so deep, it's as if its writer-producer-director and co-star Jennifer Elster made them with a scalpel.
     Elster takes an emotional seesaw ride through the 48 hours preceding the first group exhibition for her heroine, Lilli, a talented young Manhattan painter. Near the outset of the film she connects warily with Morrison (Gale Harold), a young writer who, like Lilli, comes from a dysfunctional family that makes him almost as skittish as she is.
     Consumed with a fear of failing and ambivalent in her responses to Morrison, Lilli strives to sort out her feelings as the show's opening draws ever closer and developments, both expected and from left field, start piling up. As taut as a suspension bridge cable, "Particles of Truth," a notably assured and ambitious first film, builds tension as it involves us deeper and deeper in Lilli's destiny.

For more on the LA Film Festival, including how the organizers hope to give the city a world-class event along the lines of Sundance, check out the "Indie films' day in the sun" article from June 11th.

  June 11, 2003
Inside Entertainment

The June 2003 issue of Inside Entertainment has some great features for QAF fans:

INSIDE E EXCLUSIVE: Rainbow Warriors
On a labyrinthine series of soundstages in Toronto's west end, writer/producers Daniel Lipman and Ron Cowen are quietly making television history. The award-winning pair, partners both personally and professionally, are, with coproducer Sheila Hockin, the brains behind Queer as Folk, the boldly controversial, sexually frank drama about the intertwining lives and loves of six gay men and two gay women in modern-day Pittsburgh.

In the "Celebrity Bookshelf" section, Inside E asks Gale Harold what he's currently reading:
"I'm reading Jesse James: Last Rebel of the Civil War by T.J. Stiles. It's a complete reevaluation of James. It's great. Oh, and I've also been rereading [Anthony Burgess'] A Clock- work Orange."

When asked the same question, Peter Paige replied:
"I just finished one of the best novels I've ever read. It's called At Swim, Two Boys [by Irish author Jamie O'Neill]. It's f***ing brilliant. Extraordinary prose. A beautifully told story. I found it staggering."

The magazine's television section includes a write-up by Kendon Polak about the series Bliss in which Thea Gill appears:
Celebrate the female gaze. The steamy (and rather raunchy) female erotica series makes its debut on regular cable on Friday, June 6 -- with a healthy, primetime slot to boot. Each half-hour episode of the Gemini-nominated series is a short story of sexual awakening told exclusively (for a change!) from a female perspective. Showcase will air seasons I and II (eight episodes apiece) back-to-back. Season III, in preproduction, is expected to air on TMN next February. Cast includes Adam Beach, Callum Keith Rennie, Thea Gill and Peter Wingfield.

The 'dirt' on Gale Harold...
(by Shinan Govani, a writer for
"Paul Gross from Due South was there. So was Queer as Folk's Gale Harold, whose show, come to think of it, could very well also work with the title Due South. The meeting of the hunks happened last week at Carlu [one of Toronto's premiere special events venues], at a lovely, drinks-filled, pat-ourselves-on-the-backs supper for Showcase television. Network execs, TV critics, small-screen slaves and a few Trailer Park Boys all mixed it up, marking the occasion of what one insider called 'Showcase's bar mitzvah'. [...] Although I wasn't able to stay for the whole din-din
(I slipped out right after the very sexy asparagus starter, just as the now-bearded Harold, sitting beside me, turned and asked, "Did you get enough dirt?"), I stayed long enough to learn that Showcase, eight years young, definitely has a lot to celebrate.

Gale HaroldA page of press images has been added to the Particles Of Truth website. Check out Gale and Jennifer at the after-parties and on the streets of New York.

In, Valerie Kuklenski writes about Particles of Truth in an article entitled, "You are not in Cannes or Park City":
Jennifer Elster's debut feature has generated some heat since it screened last month at New York's Tribeca Film Festival. It's an unlikely Manhattan love story between a painter (Elster) and a writer (Gale Harold of 'Queer as Folk'), she still carrying the baggage of being raised by drug-addled parents and he a reclusive germophobe who spends hours on end in his BMW SUV. (Gee, wonder which character the Los Angeles audience will relate to more easily?) With artist Lilli's insecurity about her talent and her frequent brushes with inhumanity -- in a bar's back room, at a family gathering, in her own memories -- and writer Morrison's anxieties and need to please his father, one might expect this twosome to tangle in a fast downward spiral. But each is uplifted in the process of supporting the other.

Check out this slideshow of 100 pictures from the Babylon Tour on its stop in Chicago at Circuit.

TV alert:
Next Monday night (technically Tuesday morning, June 17, at 1:05am) Showcase begins airing the UK version of QAF. For those who haven't seen it, it's definitely worth a peek... similar to the North American version in some ways, but definitely its own animal.

Scott LowellThe June Q&A is up on After reading the Q&A myself, I felt compelled to share some comments that Scott made regarding the future of QAF. He spoke about the pending retirement of Showtime exec Jerry Offsay, and how the vision of his replacement will determine whether QAF remains a staple of the network viewing schedule, or is cut out entirely. Scott definitely thinks that the fourth season should NOT be the last one!

On a related note, Annie (who runs the forum) mentioned that questions for Scott have been a bit slow lately, so if you want to see a July Q&A, please submit questions, and tell your friends to do so too. Be sure to read the submission rules first. And before you leave, check out the Miscellaneous section of the Gallery for a cute picture of Scott and Bobby Gant in Denver last year. (Guy Smiley? Too funny).

  June 4, 2003
From the website... more talk of Hal Sparks's cameo in Spiderman 2: here.

I've been informed by the owner of the Corvette that the QAF staff have until July 1st to decide if they want to use the car for the next season. I'm forwarding him some of the comments I've received (see the informal poll below), so if you'd like to weigh in, let me know.

Cathie (our resident expert on all charitable events) was kind enough to share some news with us about the Runway fashion show and the GLAAD awards, at which she volunteered and where Scott Lowell was front and center being his usual entertaining self! Here are a few tidbits in her own words (edited slightly for clarity):

"At Runway, Scott and Michelle hosted the pre-reception. They mingled outside with the guests before moving them into the showroom. They opened the show, speaking about Destination Foundation and what the audience would be seeing during the show. Then they came out to the main floor and sat at a VIP table. After all the fashions came down the Runway, they both (along with an auctioneer) went onstage to Live Auction ten pieces from the show; the remaining pieces went on Silent Auction. I think there were 50 all together. The idea of Runway was when the guests entered, they were in the airport lounge waiting, the showroom was basically the inside of the plane (ushers dressed in flight attendant and ground crew costumes made from the donated fabric) and the runway was like an actual runway from which a plane would take off. The lighting along the walls looking like clouds passing by. It was very clever.

"Michelle and Scott both recorded bits to be played... Michelle with a very sexy flight attendant vibe (tray tables up, seats in their upright and locked positions...etc.), Scott with a more Captain like tone. They were played as the lights went down, as if the plane was going to take off.

Scott hosted the GLAAD awards alone. He did a wonderful job; the flow of the night was great. When he should have been funny, he was, and when it was time to be serious, he was. One thing that he said that got a great laugh was something along the lines of ... 'during my three seasons as Ted on Queer as Folk, I've taken many drugs, I've run an internet porn site, I've worn leather and was shackeled naked to a year, I think I'll ask they pay me in cash.' LOL!"

A fun fact from the Silent Auction at Runway... one of the helpers went into the kitchen and came out with two bananas. He ate one and decided to auction off the other. He made up a bid sheet and everything. The bid opened at 10 cents. Someone said they should have Scott and Michelle sign them to make it more valuable... and they did! They each wrote a semi-naughty message. Soon, the bid was up to $5.00, then $20.00...then $50.00. The bids closed $50.00! The winning bidder was very pleased with his prize, and also with Scott coming over to take a picture with him and the banana. Too funny!! Thanks again to Cathie for sharing her story.

  June 3, 2003
Peter PaigeScott Lowell has some new photos of Scott Lowell at the 14th Annual GLAAD Media Awards San Francisco ceremony held May 31, 2003 at the Westin St. Francis Hotel. Scott seems to be taking advantage of his hiatus from QAF to go a little more 'bohemian' with longer locks and a great tan. Also on wireimage... Peter Paige was on hand as VOX Vodka and Out Magazine honored photographer Greg Gorman on May 15, 2003 at the W Hotel in Westwood, California.

Kate MoennigA female Brian Kinney?...
Kate Moennig has been cast to play Shane McCutcheon in Showtime's new series, The L Word (previous called Earthlings), premiering in January 2004, about a college graduate from Chicago who moves to West Hollywood to live near her boyfriend, but ends up sharing a loft with several 'lipstick' lesbians. The character of Shane is described as a "female Brian Kinney of Queer as Folk" because she gets all the girls, all the time, and leaves broken hearts all over the place; her list of conquests is legendary. This female lothario is lanky and lithe, with a short, shaggy haircut. She is casual and yet somehow transcendentally cool--and could almost be mistaken for a boy. She wears faded jeans, big black biker boots, a heavy low-slung belt buckle, and un-self-conscious garnishments of leather. In an excerpt from the pilot script, Shane visits a friend's house to skinny dip in the pool, and ends up having sex with another naked beauty who is sunning herself on a raft. Sounds... interesting! For more on the show, visit

  June 2, 2003
Kristine W.Bosie Crawford interviewed Kristine W. about her new single and life on the road in MetroSource ("Last Call"). The singer admits that she didn't know that "Some Lovin'" (featured on the QAF Season 3 soundtrack) had been released before and was technically a remake... "That was the crazy thing," she said. She loves it when guys dress up as her, like Peter Paige did for the video. She really enjoys the drag queen emulation. Will she ever do a cameo on QAF? "Actually, we have talked about that already," she says. "I probably will. That would be fun. You know, I've done As The World Turns, so now I have to do Queer As Folk.

Hal Sparks guest stars on "One on One" tonight at 8:30pm on UPN, playing "Danny Davis, Jr." in the episode titled, "I Believe I Can Fly: Part 2" which originally aired September 30th, 2002. You can catch him again on Pyramid on Tuesday (June 3rd) at 10am.

  June 2, 2003
She magazineThe May 2003 issue of She Magazine features the "Moms of QAF" -- Debbie, Lindsay and Melanie. Read the interviews with Sharon Gless, Michelle Clunie and Thea Gill and find out what they think about motherhood and their respective roles on the show.

"Some of my favorite scenes to play are with Gale Harold [Brian Kinney] because he's the toughest to crack," Sharon says. "I love it when they write a scene for Gale and me. There's a lot of stuff going on there between the two of them." [more]

Michelle talks about her character being pregnant this season. "I think it's something that doesn't come natural to her. It's not in her genetic code to be a mother, at least not a genetic mother. I think it's going to be really tough on her in many ways, mentally, physically and emotionally. There's a certain amount of giving up control when you go through that, and it's very hard for her to give up control." [more]

"One of the biggest themes of QAF is that by accepting all types of families and all forms of groupings, you get to that point where we love each other, we love the people we choose to have in our lives, we are caring, we are accepting, and we've done something that gives us the meaning of life," says Thea. [more]

  June 1, 2003
StingrayI received an email from the owner of the Corvette that Brian Kinney has been driving this season. He informed me that the car is a 1971 Stingray, with all of its original parts. It's licensed for Ontario, but the CHE 1200 Pennsylvania plates are courtesy of the QAF prop department (also used on "Dr. Dave's" vehicle in season one). The 'vette was up for sale in September 2002, and its ad was spotted in the Auto Trader by the individual who locates vehicles for the show. According to the owner, QAF did not purchase the car because they didn't know how well the Corvette would be accepted by viewers -- they wanted to guage the fan reaction first, likely because the Jeep had been such an integral part of QAF (both in the UK series and the North American one). Gale Harold certainly had some influence on their decision, given the fact that he was intent on acquiring a classic American muscle car for his alter ego and wanted Brian to drive something "sexier" than a Wrangler. view my homage to the Stingray. The car was returned to the owner a couple of months ago after shooting wrapped, and he told me that if it is not used again next season, he will likely put it up for sale, or possibly auction it off on eBay, either in 2003 or 2004 (I'm sure it would fetch a pretty penny!). I'll be posting more information here as it becomes available. In the meantime, I'd like to conduct my own informal poll... what do YOU think of the Stingray? Would you like to see Brian driving it again in season 4? Maybe you prefer the Jeep, or can see Brian behind the wheel of something altogether different? Let me know!

The 14TH Annual GLAAD Media Awards were held in San Francisco last night. Keep an eye on the GLAAD site and for pictures from the Event, hosted by Scott Lowell.

About 40,000 people participated in the 18th annual Gay Men's Health Crisis AIDS walk in New York City on May 18, raising an estimated $4.8 million for the organization, New York-based Gay City News reports. Hal Sparks was among the celebrities to participate in this year's event. GMHC spokesperson Noel Alicea said the organization was pleased at the money raised, particularly in light of the ongoing soft economy.

JT LeRoy (whose works Randy Harrison and other celebrities read from at recent events in New York and Pittsburgh) is Associate Producer on Gus Van Sant's new film, "Elephant", a minimalist take on the Columbine high school massacre which scooped the Palme d'Or and the best director award at the 56th Festival de Cannes. The last time an American movie took the Palme was in 1994, when Quentin Tarantino's "Pulp Fiction" won top honors. Randy starred in the 2001 television movie "Bang Bang You're Dead", a vehicle that was meant to open a discussion on school violence.

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