SEO AND SEM Techniques in 2010 | compiled by HBE Web Design, P Noone, Oct 2010

*Search Engine Optimization is about making your website visible on the web via search engines such as Yahoo, Google, MSN, etc.

*When people search for a particular topic, your website comes up first, or at least on the first page of search results.

*Search Engine Optimization for marketing can include display ads, e-mail, interactive, social media, web analytics, revenue sharing, pay per click, and mobile advertising.

by Jonathan Budd, Marketing Expert - 50 min, October, 2010

by Dell Corporation posted on their Facebook page, 2010

  1. Networking with other platforms

    Key Takeaway: Connecting multiple social platforms and a hub from the brand website, can help funnel consumers throughout the network.

  2. Creating a resource

    Key Takeaway: Offering a resource page allows a brand to target a new demographic, outside of those that already know and love the business.

  3. Creating contests that include participation

    Key Takeaway: Offering something to consumers to join can help build a large community. Some examples of things to offer: Coupons, free shipping, weekly deals.

  4. Empowering pre-existing pages

    Key Takeaway: Taking over unsanctioned Facebook fan pages isn't always the best idea. Instead, rewarding dedication can inspire others to do the same.

  5. Targeting the proper demographic - Understanding the demographic present can help you decide if Facebook is worth it for your business.

    Key Takeaway: Some brands cannot expect huge followings on Facebook. Brands or product lines targeting the demographic most prominent on Facebook tend to see the quickest growth.

  6. Start a Facebook fan page. I purposely did not talk about using advertising to increase the size of a fan page, because although it can be useful to jump-start a fan page, organic growth can help build a more engaged group.

    Key Takeaway: Creating a Facebook fan page is simple, but getting it to work well takes time, dedication, and some planning. Don't expect to create a page and then have a huge following instantaneously. Build good content, make it easy to share, and let people know about it, and over-time the community will grow.

Facebook Changes, October, 2010

  1. *Stronger Interaction with Fans Because the Wall tab will become the focus, Pages will feel much more active and dynamic than ever before. This will encourage more participation and interaction between brands and their Fans.

  2. *Increased Virality Content posted on the new Wall will also show up in Fans' News Feeds more often. This means that posting updates to your Page is much more viral and has the potential to drive significant traffic to your Page.

  3. *More Ways to Communicate because The Status Update will provide a powerful way for Pages to share short interesting blurbs with Fans in a way that is less obtrusive than an Update delivered to their inboxes. Brands that use Twitter can sync their accounts so that selected Tweets will automatically post to Facebook as Status Updates.

  4. *Specific Landing Page for Non-Fans because The Wall tab will be the point of entry for all Fans when they visit a Page (with the idea that they'll first be exposed to the newest content). When it comes to non-fans, Page admins will be able to choose which tab they'd like to use as the landing page. This means that if a Page has a new application or custom content that they'd like to promote, they can set this as the point of entry for all new visitors to the Page.


    Overall, the new design will make Pages more dynamic and viral, but it will also pose some challenges too:

  1. *Content will need to be updated frequently and consistently to ensure the Wall tab (the new focus of Pages) stays fresh.

  2. *The addition of Status Updates will require brands to establish guidelines on what content can be posted here on a consistent basis.

  3. *Page admins will need to determine what content, such as text, links, photos and videos, fans will be able to share on the Wall tab, so permissions can be set accordingly.

  4. *Static brand content will become secondary to Fan-to-brand interaction, so there will be less content control for brands.

  5. *Placement of custom content and applications will need to be determined so that it remains visible and accessible for Fans.

  6. *Static brand content will now need to adhere to the standard template, so Pages may need to adjust the format of their About and Contact information to fit.

Organic SEO techniques to make your site search friendly:

  1. Get a regular and dependable domain host such as Network Solutions, GoDaddy, JustHost, etc.
  2. Have a regular domain naming convention like .com, .net, .org, etc.
  3. Use your company name, not your domain name, in the meta tag
  4. Search engines generally won't find sites designed in Flash, so embed any Flash projects instead
  5. Use to research proper keywords
  6. Add the robots tag & place the robots.txt file on your server
  7. Use a site map page
  8. Use 404 pages
  9. Use CSS instead of description coding
  10. Include your keywords in the alt tags of images
  11. Use the H1 tag for headings
  12. Place JS in an external file, such as the one from my website regarding EightBelles: EIGHT BELLES SITE
  13. At the bottom of each page use menus as text links
  14. Make sure your page code is not bigger than 100K
  15. Submit your site to search engine free directories and select the right category and follow their rules
  16. Be congruent to today's trends including mobile technologies
  17. Don't have any spam or hidden code
  18. Don't use doorway pages
  19. Put your competitors on your site and compare their products, services, etc.
  20. Syndicate your content - RSS
  21. Use a good visitor tracking system such as Google Analytics
  22. Write unique and interesting social bookmarking sites like social media and blogging

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