Paula Noone PHPMyAdmin SQL - Summer, 2009 #17 queries from Fruit and Inventory tables - First Part of Assignment FRUIT TABLE fruitID name price 1 apple 2.50 2 pear 3.00 4 Grape 0.75 8 pluot 4.50 6 plum 1.25 3 banana 1.00 INVENTORY TABLE FruitID Quantity 1 100 3 500 2 100 5 10 1 250 2 200 #1. Show all tables in database Your SQL query has been executed successfully SHOW TABLES [ Edit ] [ Create PHP Code ] Tables_in_DBpnoone0 Customer Inventory Order_line Orders Part Rep fruit #2. Use Distinct - eliminate duplications SELECT DISTINCT fruitID FROM Inventory ORDER BY fruitID LIMIT 0 , 30 fruitID 1 2 3 5 #3. Show FruitID in Fruit and not in Inventory, order by FruitID SELECT * FROM `fruit` WHERE fruitID NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT fruitID FROM Inventory ORDER BY fruitID ) LIMIT 0 , 30 fruitID name price 4 Grape 0.75 8 pluot 4.50 6 plum 1.25 #4. Select FruitID from Inventory, Order by ID SELECT fruitID FROM Inventory ORDER BY fruitID LIMIT 0 , 30 fruitID 1 1 2 2 3 5 #5. Select all from Fruit where ID not in Inventory, elim dups in Inventory, order by ID SELECT * FROM `fruit` WHERE fruitID NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT fruitID FROM Inventory ORDER BY fruitID ) LIMIT 0 , 30 fruitID name price 4 Grape 0.75 8 pluot 4.50 6 plum 1.25 #6 Show fruitID, name, total from Inventory SELECT f.fruitID, name, sum( quantity ) AS "Total Inventory" FROM Inventory, fruit AS f WHERE f.fruitID = Inventory.fruitID GROUP BY Inventory.fruitID LIMIT 0 , 30 fruitID name Total Inventory 1 apple 350 2 pear 300 3 banana 500 #7Show name, price x total quantity name value from Fruit and Inventory SELECT, fruit.price * sum( quantity ) AS value FROM Inventory, fruit WHERE fruit.fruitID = Inventory.fruitID GROUP BY Inventory.fruitID LIMIT 0 , 30 name value apple 875.00 pear 900.00 banana 500.00 #8Show all from Inventory and Fruit SELECT * FROM Inventory, fruit AS f WHERE f.fruitID = Inventory.fruitID LIMIT 0 , 30 FruitID Quantity fruitID name price 1 100 1 apple 2.50 3 500 3 banana 1.00 2 100 2 pear 3.00 1 250 1 apple 2.50 2 200 2 pear 3.00 #9Show Fruit ID, name, and quantity from Inventory and Fruit SELECT f.fruitID, name, quantity FROM Inventory, fruit AS f WHERE f.fruitID = Inventory.fruitID LIMIT 0 , 30 fruitID name quantity 1 apple 100 3 banana 500 2 pear 100 1 apple 250 2 pear 200 #10Select apples from Fruit, state are worth, add quantity and $ from Fruit and Inventory, group by ID SELECT "apples are worth", concat( "$", sum( quantity ) * ( SELECT price FROM fruit WHERE name LIKE "apple" ) ) AS value FROM Inventory WHERE fruitID = ( SELECT fruitID FROM fruit WHERE name LIKE "apple" ) GROUP BY fruitID LIMIT 0 , 30 apples are worth value apples are worth $875.00 #11Select all from Fruit, order by desc price SELECT * FROM fruit ORDER BY price LIMIT 0 , 30 fruitID name price 4 Grape 0.75 3 banana 1.00 6 plum 1.25 1 apple 2.50 2 pear 3.00 8 pluot 4.50 #12Select all from Fruit table SELECT * FROM fruit LIMIT 0 , 30 fruitID name price 1 apple 2.50 2 pear 3.00 4 Grape 0.75 8 pluot 4.50 6 plum 1.25 3 banana 1.00 #13Select all from Inventory SELECT * FROM Inventory LIMIT 0 , 30 FruitID Quantity 1 100 3 500 2 100 5 10 1 250 2 200 #14Select FruitID, name, quantity from Inventory and Fruit tables where ID = SELECT f.fruitID, name, quantity FROM Inventory, fruit AS f WHERE f.fruitID = Inventory.fruitID LIMIT 0 , 30 fruitID name quantity 1 apple 100 3 banana 500 2 pear 100 1 apple 250 2 pear 200 #15Select all from Fruit where price is greater than 1.0 SELECT * FROM fruit WHERE price > 1.0 LIMIT 0 , 30 fruitID name price 1 apple 2.50 2 pear 3.00 8 pluot 4.50 6 plum 1.25 #16 Show tables SHOW TABLES LIMIT 0 , 30 Tables_in_DBpnoone0 Customer Inventory Order_line Orders Part Rep fruit #17From Fruit and Inventory tables, name and Sum and group by fruitID SELECT f.fruitID, name, sum( quantity ) FROM Inventory, fruit AS f WHERE f.fruitID = Inventory.fruitID GROUP BY Inventory.fruitID fruitID name sum(quantity) 1 apple 350 2 pear 300 3 banana 500 SELECT * FROM Inventory LIMIT 0 , 30 FruitID Quantity 1 100 3 500 2 100 5 10 1 250 2 200 PHPMyAdmin SECOND PART OF ASSIGNMENT a) Create three additional tables and add comments and relational view information to tables. SELECT * FROM `DeliveryCo` LIMIT 0 , 30 Deliver City Nocal Delivery San Jose Socal Delivery Irvine SELECT * FROM `Grocerystore` LIMIT 0 , 30 Store City Albertson's San Jose Pavilon's Irvine SELECT * FROM `Vendor` LIMIT 0 , 30 Farm City Nocal Growers San Jose Socal Growers Irvine b) Create a data dictionary and schema, including a relational view using designer tab. Customer Field Type Null Default Comments MIME CUSTOMER_NUM char(3) No CUSTOMER_NAME char(35) No STREET char(15) No CITY char(15) No STATE char(2) No ZIP char(5) No BALANCE decimal(8,2) No CREDIT_LIMIT decimal(8,2) No REP_NUM char(2) No DeliveryCo Field Type Null Default Comments MIME Deliver char(30) No City char(30) No Grocerystore Field Type Null Default Comments MIME Store char(30) No City char(30) No Inventory Field Type Null Default Links to Comments MIME FruitID tinyint(4) No fruit -> fruitID Foreign key to Fruit table Quantity int(11) No Shipment quantity Order_line Field Type Null Default Comments MIME ORDER_NUM char(5) No PART_NUM char(4) No NUM_ORDERED decimal(3,0) No QUOTED_PRICE decimal(6,2) No Orders Field Type Null Default Comments MIME ORDER_NUM char(5) No ORDER_DATE date No CUSTOMER_NUM char(3) No Part Field Type Null Default Comments MIME PART_NUM char(4) No DESCRIPTION char(15) No ON_HAND decimal(4,0) No CLASS char(2) No WAREHOUSE char(1) No PRICE decimal(6,2) No Rep Field Type Null Default Comments MIME REP_NUM char(2) No LAST_NAME char(15) No FIRST_NAME char(15) No STREET char(15) No CITY char(15) No STATE char(2) No ZIP char(5) No Vendor Field Type Null Default Comments MIME Farm char(30) No City char(30) No fruit Field Type Null Default Links to Comments MIME fruitID tinyint(11) No fruit -> fruitID Primary key name varchar(8) Yes NULL Fruit name price double(5,2) Yes NULL Fruit price c) Generate output showing contents of five tables. I renamed these current five tables FruitCustomer, etc., because I had another table titled Customer.) #FruitCustomer SELECT * FROM FruitCustomer; LIMIT 0 , 30 FruitCustomerID Primary key FruitCustomerName FruitEmail FruitCustomerPassword 100 Minnie Mouse da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 120 Joe Student da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 127 Premiere da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 #FruitOrder Table SELECT * FROM FruitOrder; FruitOrderID Primary key FruitCustomerID Foreign Key to Customer FruitDate 23 120 2008-08-30 24 130 2008-09-01 #FruitOrderLine Table SELECT * FROM FruitOrderLine LIMIT 0 , 30 FruitOrderID Foreign Key to Order FruitID Foreign key to Fruit table Quantity 23 1 100 23 2 50 24 3 100 24 5 20 24 2 50 #Fruit Table SELECT * FROM fruit LIMIT 0 , 30 fruitID Primary key name Fruit name price Fruit price 1 apple 2.50 2 pear 3.00 4 grape 0.75 8 pluot 4.50 6 plum 1.25 3 banana 1.00 #Inventory Table SELECT * FROM Inventory LIMIT 0 , 30 FruitID Foreign key to Fruit table Quantity Shipment quantity 1 100 3 500 2 100 5 10 1 250 2 200 D) COMPLETE LIST OF 27 QUERIES: #1. Show tables SHOW TABLES; Tables_in_DBpnoone0 Customer DeliveryCo FruitCustomer FruitOrder FruitOrderLine Grocerystore Inventory OrderInvoice Order_line Orders Part Rep Vendor fruit #2. Select all orders SELECT count( * ) FROM FruitOrder count(*) 2 #3. Create alias c from FruitCustomer table to simplify naming convention FruitCustomerName. Retrieve customer names. SELECT c.FruitCustomerName FROM FruitCustomer AS c LIMIT 0 , 30 FruitCustomerName Minnie Mouse Joe Student Premiere #4. Use alias c for FruitCustomerName, o as FruitOrder, join tables and select Customer and ID that are related in both tables SELECT c.FruitCustomerName, c.FruitEmail FROM FruitCustomer AS c, FruitOrder AS o WHERE c.FruitCustomerID = o.FruitCustomerID LIMIT 0 , 30 FruitCustomerName FruitEmail Joe Student #5. Select Amt Ordered from FruitOrderline where FruitID = 1 SELECT sum( quantity ) AS "Amount Ordered" FROM FruitOrderLine WHERE FruitID =1 Amount Ordered 100 #6. Query to display contents of Inventory SELECT * FROM Inventory LIMIT 0 , 30 FruitID Foreign key to Fruit table Quantity Shipment quantity 1 100 3 500 2 100 5 10 1 250 2 200 #This displays the structure of Inventory DESCRIBE Inventory Field Type Null Key Default Extra FruitID tinyint(11) NO NULL Quantity int(11) NO NULL Check All / Uncheck All With selected: #7. Display FruitOrderLine contents, sort by fruitID SELECT * FROM FruitOrderLine ORDER BY FruitID LIMIT 0 , 30 FruitOrderID Foreign Key to Order FruitID Foreign key to Fruit table Quantity 23 1 100 23 2 50 24 2 50 24 3 100 24 5 20 #8. Display Inventory contents, sort by fruitID SELECT * FROM Inventory ORDER BY FruitID LIMIT 0 , 30 FruitID Foreign key to Fruit table Quantity Shipment quantity 1 100 1 250 2 100 2 200 3 500 5 10 #9. Select name from FruitCustomer where customerID in FruitCustomer and FruitOrderline (ID not found in FruitOrder) SELECT FruitCustomerName FROM FruitCustomer, FruitOrderLine WHERE FruitCustomerID IN ( FruitCustomerID ) LIMIT 0 , 30 FruitCustomerName Minnie Mouse Joe Student Premiere Minnie Mouse Joe Student Premiere Minnie Mouse Joe Student Premiere Minnie Mouse Joe Student Premiere Minnie Mouse Joe Student Premiere #10. Display fruit name and price in fruit table, sort by price SELECT name, price FROM fruit ORDER BY price LIMIT 0 , 30 name Fruit name price Fruit price grape 0.75 banana 1.00 plum 1.25 apple 2.50 pear 3.00 pluot 4.50 #11. Select fruitID from orderLine where orderID = (select orderID from 'order', limit first record only SELECT FruitID FROM FruitOrderLine WHERE FruitOrderID IN ( SELECT FruitOrderID FROM FruitOrder ) LIMIT 1 FruitID Foreign key to Fruit table 1 #12. Select name as alias from Orderline and alias as fruit where Orderline and Fruit table have same ID's. SELECT o.FruitID FROM FruitOrderLine o, fruit AS f WHERE o.FruitID = f.fruitID LIMIT 0 , 30 FruitID 1 2 3 2 #13. Count all records from Orderline SELECT count( FruitID ) FROM FruitOrderLine count (FruitID) 5 #14. Count all ID records from OrderLine, and limit output to first record. SELECT count( * ) FruitOrderID FROM FruitOrderLine WHERE FruitOrderID = ( SELECT FruitOrderID FROM FruitOrder LIMIT 1 ) FruitOrderID 2 #15. Display Fruit names not in Inventory SELECT * FROM `fruit` WHERE fruitID NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT fruitID FROM Inventory ORDER BY fruitID ) LIMIT 0 , 30 fruitID Primary key name Fruit name price Fruit price 4 grape 0.75 8 pluot 4.50 6 plum 1.25 #16. Display the value of Apple in Inventory SELECT name, fruit.price * Inventory.Quantity FROM fruit, Inventory WHERE fruit.fruitID = '1' AND Inventory.fruitID = '1' LIMIT 0 , 30 name Fruit name fruit.price * Inventory.Quantity apple 250.00 apple 625.00 #17. Value of @ fruit in Inventory - price*inventory.quantity SELECT, fruit.price * sum( quantity ) AS value FROM Inventory, fruit WHERE fruit.fruitID = Inventory.fruitID GROUP BY Inventory.fruitID LIMIT 0 , 30 name Fruit name value apple 875.00 pear 900.00 banana 500.00 #This is one fruit SELECT "apples are worth", concat( "$", sum( quantity ) * ( SELECT price FROM fruit WHERE name LIKE "apple" ) ) AS value FROM Inventory WHERE fruitID = ( SELECT fruitID FROM fruit WHERE name LIKE "apple" ) GROUP BY fruitID LIMIT 0 , 30 apples are worth value apples are worth $875.00 #18. Display FruitID, name and price sorted by FruitID SELECT fruitID, name, price FROM fruit ORDER BY fruitID LIMIT 0 , 30 fruitID Primary key name Fruit name price Fruit price 1 apple 2.50 2 pear 3.00 3 banana 1.00 4 grape 0.75 6 plum 1.25 8 pluot 4.50 #19. Check all tables in database CHECK TABLE `Customer` , `DeliveryCo` , `fruit` , `FruitCustomer` , `FruitOrder` , `FruitOrderLine` , `Grocerystore` , `Inventory` , `OrderInvoice` , `Orders` , `Order_line` , `Part` , `Rep` , `Vendor` [ Edit ] [ Create PHP Code ] Table Op Msg_type Msg_text DBpnoone0.Customer check status OK DBpnoone0.DeliveryCo check status OK DBpnoone0.fruit check status OK DBpnoone0.FruitCustomer check status OK DBpnoone0.FruitOrder check status OK DBpnoone0.FruitOrderLine check status OK DBpnoone0.Grocerystore check status OK DBpnoone0.Inventory check status OK DBpnoone0.OrderInvoice check status OK DBpnoone0.Orders check status OK DBpnoone0.Order_line check status OK DBpnoone0.Part check status OK DBpnoone0.Rep check status OK DBpnoone0.Vendor check status OK #20. Create Invoice Report for @ Order SELECT * FROM OrderInvoice ORDER BY CustomerID LIMIT 0 , 30 CustomerID fruitID name Quantity price 120 1 apple 100 2.50 120 3 banana 100 1.00 120 4 grape 100 0.75 120 4 grape 50 0.75 120 8 pluot 100 4.50 120 4 grape 100 0.75 120 6 plum 50 1.25 120 4 grape 20 0.75 120 4 grape 50 0.75 120 6 plum 20 1.25 120 3 banana 50 1.00 120 6 plum 100 1.25 120 8 pluot 50 4.50 120 8 pluot 100 4.50 120 6 plum 50 1.25 120 8 pluot 20 4.50 120 8 pluot 50 4.50 120 2 pear 50 3.00 120 6 plum 100 1.25 120 1 apple 50 2.50 120 3 banana 50 1.00 120 1 apple 100 2.50 120 1 apple 20 2.50 120 2 pear 100 3.00 120 1 apple 50 2.50 120 3 banana 20 1.00 120 2 pear 100 3.00 120 2 pear 50 3.00 120 3 banana 100 1.00 120 2 pear 20 3.00 #21. Select OrderID from Order, limit to first record SELECT fruitID FROM `OrderInvoice` LIMIT 1 fruitID 1 #22. Select name, email with time (now) where ID = 23 from Order table SELECT FruitCustomerName, FruitEmail, now( ) FROM FruitCustomer WHERE FruitCustomerID = ( SELECT FruitCustomerID FROM FruitOrder WHERE FruitOrderID =23 ) LIMIT 0 , 30 FruitCustomerName FruitEmail now() Joe Student 2009-07-13 15:51:47 #23. Select records where ID = 23 from FruitOrder and FruitOrderLine SELECT * FROM FruitOrder, FruitOrderLine WHERE FruitOrder.FruitOrderID = FruitOrderLine.FruitOrderID AND FruitOrderLine.FruitOrderID =23 LIMIT 0 , 30 FruitOrderID Primary key FruitCustomerID Foreign Key to Customer FruitDate FruitOrderID Foreign Key to Order FruitID Foreign key to Fruit table Quantity 23 120 2008-08-30 23 1 100 23 120 2008-08-30 23 2 50 #24. Using alias, select ID, name, quantity, price from fruit and Orderline where ID = 23 SELECT f.fruitID, name, price, o.Quantity, price * o.Quantity FROM fruit AS f, FruitOrderLine AS o WHERE f.fruitID = o.FruitID AND FruitOrderID =23 LIMIT 0 , 30 fruitID name price Quantity price * o.Quantity 1 apple 2.50 100 250.00 2 pear 3.00 50 150.00 #25. Create View for OrderInvoice table Create view of OrderInvoice table CREATE VIEW OrderInvoice( fruitID, name, quantity, price, ExtendedPrice ) AS SELECT f.fruitID, name, price, o.Quantity, price * o.Quantity FROM fruit AS f, FruitOrderLine AS o WHERE f.fruitID = o.FruitID AND FruitOrderID =23; #26. Select name, Quantity concat ("$", price) as Unit Price, concat ("$" ExtendedPrice) as Extended Price from OrderInvoice2 (I set up another OrderInvoiceTable for View); SELECT name, Quantity, concat( "$", price ) AS UnitPrice, concat( "$", ExtendedPrice ) AS ExtendedPrice FROM OrderInvoice2 LIMIT 0 , 30 name Fruit name Quantity Fruit price UnitPrice ExtendedPrice apple 2.50 $100 $250.00 pear 3.00 $50 $150.00 #27. SELECT sum( price ) FROM OrderInvoice2 sum(price) 150 SQL result Host: localhost Database: DBpnoone0 Generation Time: Jul 13, 2009 at 04:53 PM Generated by: phpMyAdmin 3.1.3 / MySQL 5.0.51a SQL query: SELECT sum(price) FROM OrderInvoice2; Rows: 1 sum(price) 150 Re-Muliple Times - last attempt is recorded