#Paula Noone #SQL, Summer, 2009 #P87 Assignment #1. Display first 5 row in Order_line table SELECT * FROM `Order_line` LIMIT 5 ORDER_NUM PART_NUM NUM_ORDERED QUOTED_PRICE 21608 AT94 11 21.95 21610 DR93 1 495.00 21610 DW11 1 399.00 21613 KL62 4 329.95 21614 KT03 2 595.00 #2. Display all customer names, city, state SELECT Customer_name, city, state FROM Customer LIMIT 0 , 30 Customer_name city state Al's Appliance and Sport Fillmore FL Brooking's Direct Grove FL Ferguson's Northfield FL The Everything Shop Crystal FL Bargain's Galore Grove FL Kline's Fillmore FL Johnson's Dept. Store Sheldon FL Lee's Sport and Appliance Altonville FL Deerfield's Four Seasons Sheldon FL All Season Grove FL #3. How many salesmen SELECT count( * ) FROM Rep count( * ) 3 #4. Display contents of Part table SELECT * FROM `Part` PART_NUM DESCRIPTION ON_HAND CLASS WAREHOUSE PRICE AT94 Iron 50 HW 3 24.95 BV06 Home Gym 45 SG Z 794.95 CD52 Microwave Oven 32 AP 1 165.00 DL71 Cordless Drill 21 HW 3 129.95 DR93 Gas Range 8 AP 2 495.00 DW11 Washer 12 AP 3 399.99 FD21 Stand Mixer 22 HW 3 159.95 KL62 Dryer 12 AP 1 349.95 KV29 Treadmill 9 SG 2 1390.00 #5. Describe, or show structure of the Part table DESCRIBE Part Field Type Null Key Default Extra PART_NUM char(4) NO PRI NULL DESCRIPTION char(15) NO NULL ON_HAND decimal(4,0) NO NULL CLASS char(2) NO NULL WAREHOUSE char(1) NO NULL PRICE decimal(6,2) NO NULL