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Listen to Laura — Profile

Name:  Laura

Location:  Columbia, MD
Birthday:  29 August, 1981
Bio:  I was born on a cold winter's night in late August... The sun had just come up over the horizon when Mama started feeling the pains... I remember it all so clearly: Pa had just fed the chickens and was getting ready to milk the cow when he heard my brother Jethro come 'a runnin' towards him with news that it was Mama's time...

Seriously... I was born in Wilkes-Barre, PA, a city that would do well to be burnt to the ground and be rebuilt. I spent most of my life living next to Hershey, PA, where chocolate was a rare commodity which we traded to each other for scraps of food and hair pins.

I went to a very ordinary high school, with ordinary friends, and came to Capitol College, which makes no sense seeing as I don't like computers and fear technology. And they really are after me, I swear.

So I'm totally obsessed with the media, tv, movies, and such, and have earned my master's degree in Professional Writing. I hope one day to be a published author, editor, slave to Hugh Laurie, or professional toothbrush maker.

Some interesting facts about me:
* I have an uncanny ability to identify characters and actors names that are currently and have in the past been on General Hospital. This ability also extends to general movie/television trivia as well.
* I have a computer named Sarah, a laptop named Ingo, a car named Lola, and I've been through the desert on a horse with no name.
* My favorite actress is, and will always be, Nancy Lee Grahn, no matter who else pops up on tv or in the movies and no matter what piece of crap storylines they give her.
* I dream about famous people. Frequently.
* I wrote a novel! Squee!
* I'm learning the lyrics to O Canada. Just in case.

Interests:  Reading, writing, television (favorite shows: Bones (BoothBrennan LOVE!), House, Dirty Jobs, The Simpsons, MythBusters, Dr. G, Family Guy), movies, musicals, and quotes.
Blog Created:  Thursday, 10 June 2004
Last Updated:  Saturday, 18 July 2009 - 1:34 PM EDT
Blog Entries:  203

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