Fishing Planet Earth
An Angler's Guide To
Fishing The World's Trophy Hot Spots

Fishing Sandy Hook, New Jersey

Norma K Charters Fluke Photo

Sandy Hook, New Jersey, USA

Located at the south end of Raritan Bay, this North Atlantic coastline sand bar is known for it's superior Summer Flounder and Striped Bass fishing, but that's not all...

"Bluefish are almost everywhere . It is not uncommon to be able to sight cast jigs to schools of Bluefish chasing schools of baitfish. Diving birds are a sure sign there are Bluefish in the area. The most popular way to fish for Blues is to anchor your boat chum with ground bunker to attract the fish while dropping back cut bunker. Make sure to use a heavy mono or wire leader since these fish a sharp teeth that will make short order of 10 - 15 lb mono. Night time is great for Bluefish as well." Extract in quotes taken from Atlantic Highlands & Leonardo State Marina Website

Raritan Bay Stripers

A New Jersey Saltwater Fishing Feature page from

Check out Atlantic Highlands & Leonardo State Marina

Norma K Charters at Plaesent Point New Jersey

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