Spring Stripers
at Croton Point
on the Hudson River

In the spring of 2001, when Lake Champlain still had a foot of ice covering its surface, we traveled south 6 hours, launching our boat at the Haverstraw Marina on the lower reaches of the Hudson River to fish for striped bass. This was the maiden voyage of our new boat, a 22' Bayliner. During the four day trip we caught over 40 stripers. One night we navigated 25 miles down river to lower Manhatten and had dinner under the Statue of Liberty. What a trip! The World Trade Centers were still standing at the time. The following year we returned to see the "Pillars of Light". It has been four years in a row now and we wouldn't miss the striper run on the Hudson for all the tea in China.

Following are some pictures from years past. At the end you'll find some shots from this years trip. Many thanks to John Vargo, experienced striper fisherman and editor of Boating on the Hudson, for all he did for us during this year's trip.


Croton Schoolie

Escaped from Sing Sing

Click and Release

Schoolies on Bloods

Past his bed time


Before 9/11
Before 9/11
After 9/11
After 9/11
Remember the Lorax?

...and now 2004...

20 pounder

White Perch

10 pounder

Big Cat

Another Croton Schoolie

Happy Boy!

Check out "Boating on the Hudson"

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