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In Love Since:

I Meet My Girl... NAME: D`Andre Williams Race: Afro-American Age:18 Sign: Leo From: West Los Angeles, and Santa Cruz, Cali STATUS: Dealing with a tight Queen right now!!!
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The King Himself...
Welcome to My lovely Palace enjoy yourself...

KingDre's Palace

My Girl and Hommies

  • Samantha Itami
  • Peter Okaru

My Favorite Web Sites

My Black Planet Page
A page i dedicated to my girl


Whats Carackin Everybody? I hope your enjoying my page. It was made just to promote me...and my hommie and girl. I'm into writing music and raping it. Poetry I do that also. And if you want to know anything else just e-mail me or something. I have way tighter shit to come...So keep checking it out alright...One

Thanks You for stopping by the Palace remember to return soon...One

Email: kingdrebp@hotmail.com

This is Me and My Girl posted showing our love for one another...Isn't she so cute.. You can go to a page i dedicated to her by clicking the pic. I'm Out! One...

This Is My Boy Pete. He's my closest Hommie, So fresh and So clean...and he always keeps it real..Show Love to him. You can hit his page by clicking on his pic..One

Just let me know what you need...This is my AIM messenger link...One

This Is My Car...Tight Huh?

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