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PuTo NewZ iS NoW offIciaLLy uP!!!! You Can Now CheCk UP oN OuR UpComing EvEnts anD JuS aNy OLD PutO NewZ WorTh PoStiN.

ThurSday JuLy 19 '01

(TheRe's A LoT of NewZ to Put HeRe SiNce ThiS iS the FirsT Day ThE NewZ PagE is Up)

ThE PuToz ALbUm iS on It's WaY yAll!!! YoU Can HeAr sOng SamPleS iN ThE MuZiK sectIon of ThE PutOz siTe. So faR thE aLbum'Z TiTle HaS noT yeT BeEn DeCidEd But We'LL KeEp YaLL PoStEd tO Let YaLL NoW WassuP.

ThE PuTOz ArE PlaNnIng AnoTher TriP 2 WilDwOOD on FrIdaY AuguSt 17. So If uR a JerZee GurL anD u waNNA ComE SeE thE PuTOz, GO DoWn 2 WiLdWooD tHe WeEkenD oF AuguSt 17 AnD LoOk ArOund FoR ThE PuTOz oN thE BoArdWalk.

tHe PuTo AnThem iS NoW In The MuZiK SeCtion, but It'z yEt to Be ComPleteD. So fAr GhOst(GuS) aNd Javi HavE BleSSed thE TracK.

yOuNg BiTCheZ wiLL Be iN thE MuZik SeCtion sOOn. This SOng IncLudes JaVi V and GhosT FeAtUriNg TrunX
