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Words Of Condolence

(some kind words from friends we made)

Upon learning of my boy's illness and the impending struggle we would face, I joined a Yahoo support group to be among others on the same roller coaster.  Following are just some of the condolences we received after Gem's passing to the Rainbow Bridge.  These really meant a lot to me, whether short and sweet, or long and profound, each one touched my heart and soul.  I don't know how I could have gotten through this without the support of all of these special people.  It has been more than three months since my boy passed on, and today I searched the archives of the group to retrieve the words of condolence that follow.  Although it was with great difficulty that I reread them, it really does help to restore my faith in mankind despite the troubled world in which we live today.

Dear Nancy,

I am so sorry for your loss of your Beloved Gem. Please accept my deepest condolences. May Peace come to your heart.

Love, Voula.

Dear Nancy,

 I feel your agony, frustration, and overwhelming sadness again reading about Gem. He was certainly well loved and you did everything for him. Gem knows that as he is now in heaven with Sadie and so many others who are now free from this damned disease. Relief comes to each of us differently. Mine was almost immediate as well as some guilt for feeling it. I think it was because I mourned Sadie from the minute of her diagnosis. But, I have felt waves of sadness since her passing almost a month ago. Everyone has different ways of coping and you'll deal with it in your own way. Just know that you have to cry when it comes, smile when a good memory crosses your mind, and hurt as you must. Gem is free and running with others free of suffering. Take care,

 Ann and Angel Sadie


My deepest condolences on your loss. My prayers are with you.


Nancy and Angel Gem,

 My heart goes out to you. The sorrow that you are experiencing has touched that place deep within where the memory of Angel Neko's crossing is hidden. May the pain that you are feeling pass soon. Gem has been such a brave fighter and is surely a hero among the furbabies on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. A great warrior has passed from among us. Upon his arrival, all the kitties on the other side must have stopped their romping and playing to get a glance at Gem. His spirit has taken that next step on his long journey into forever. The love and closeness that the two of you shared will light his path and guild his spirit forever. You will meet again; your souls are forever tied together. Relief does not come easy for us left behind, but keep in mind that Gem's relief from this long terrible battle has come. Take a bit of time each day to set quietly and look at Gem's pictures and relive the happy times together. You may even feel his spirit so near you during these quite reflections. In time your relief will come. We send our greatest love.

John and Angel Neko

Oh Nancy,

I am so so sorry to hear of little Gem's passing. I am at my desk crying once again. I am glad that he granted you your wish and didn't put the decision in your hands. You gave Gem such a wonderful life. The poor little boy went through so much and it should give you great joy to know that you gave him such happiness in his final years. Nancy you have such a great heart. Please try to be strong. I know this is such a difficult time for you. How do any of us ever recover from such a loss? Please know that we are all here to support you and are all praying for you and Gem. What a terrible, terrible disease this is. Know that Gem will always be with you in your heart and that he is now in a better place. He is free of the pain of cancer and is playing and doing Gem things. He is waiting for you, and you will see him again someday. Many thoughts and prayers your way,

Michele, Chip, Harley, and Zoie


I'm so sad to read your news. I know no matter how much you think you are prepared that when the time comes, it's absolutely devastating - especially with the deep love that you and Gem shared. It sounds like he went very peacefully near the one that he loved the most. You have a special angel in heaven now watching over you. I hope that you take some time to do something special for yourself today. take care, a giant kitty hug,


Dear Nancy,

I am so sorry about your boy, Gem. My prayers for him. We can find solace in knowing that he is healthy and strong at the Bridge with so many other friends.

Cindy K.


I'm so sorry to learn of your loss of Gem. That really is difficult. You took wonderful care of him, however.

Anne T.


I'm in tears my friend. I'm so sorry for the pain you're experiencing.

Love MJ & sweet angel Thena

Oh Nancy,

I'm so sorry to hear about Gem. It's good his passing was peaceful and that he was near you. I know you have provided him with a caring and loving home and did everything possible for him. I'm sure he was comforted by your words in the car and it helped ease his way over the bridge. Please know that you are in my prayers and have my deepest sympathies.


Oh Nancy,

I am so very very sorry. You gave him every chance you could and he fought so hard. He was such a brave boy and you showed such love and courage helping him through the hardest battle of his life. The relief does come, but it comes with a price. I too gave up everything but caring for Sabrina and I didn't care that she took up all my time, I was happy to give her that and more. I was so physically and emotionally drained after she was gone that I felt like I could have slept for weeks, I imagine you are at that point right now. I think my grieving is not only for losing her, but for the horrid disease she had to endure, and the relief is knowing that Gem isn't hurting anymore and is in a place where cancer and chemo and feeding tubes don't exist. I am sending you a hug, please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.


Dearest Nancy and Angel Gem,

I am so sorry that you lost your struggle with your little darling. There is nothing that can possibly be said to ease your aching heart right now. So I won't say anything except that I am sending you a big hug across the miles. Please don't be lonely and sad. Just know that even though little Gem started out in humble beginnings, your love made him a little prince. You loved and cared for him as much as was possible. He knows that, and your bond can never be broken. Time does make things better, although I know you don't feel that right now. But you will feel better. Just hold your other little sweethearts next to you and let them help you heal. There will come a time when you can look back without crying.

Love Linda, Angels Oreo and Gobie, and the rest of the gang


I am so sorry. It was good you were with him, and it was as if he picked a time when it would be easy for you (focused on driving, as a good driver should be, but still with him). I think sometimes they know the best times to go.

God bless! Anne


I'm so sorry to hear about Gem. I know you will have many wonderful memories to keep and cherish always. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

 Ron Santoro Pets4Life


I am so very sorry about your sweet baby Gem. He knew it was time, and he took the decision out of your hands just like my little Bunnyfluff did. You both fought a valiant battle against an evil enemy. The cancer didn't win, Angel Gem did, and he is now without any pain. Know that Angel Bunnyfluff is waiting at the Bridge with open paws to guide Gem across. They'll both be looking down on us now, kitty-friends forever. Take care of yourself now. We're all here for you.

Tere Perry and Angel Bunnyfluff


I'm sorry to hear the news--please try to be consoled that Gem is no longer suffering, that his spirit is finally free of his body.



I'm so sorry, I know you wish you had been holding him, but he was with you, listening to your voice, and no doubt was comforted to be there with you. Prayers are with you and Angel Gem.

Kathy and Coty


I am so sorry to hear you've lost your brave boy. I know you wish you had made it home, but I can almost picture him with you in the car, listening to your voice and knowing it was finally just the two of you together, and I think he WAS home in every way that mattered.


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