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The Fun a Hamster Can Give You!!

Most people just don't understand how precious hamsters are for pets.Getting a hamster could be one of the best things you have ever done!!Having a hamster will give you more to look forward to in life!Do you know what I do?? At halloween time I make a little trick or treat sack for my hamster and let it run around a table finding little treats..I get the treats my hamster runs toward and put them in her little bag and at the end of the hamster hunt I give her all the treats!!I have had hamsters for about 7 or 8 years and I love them!! I am hoping to get another very soon as my last hamster died from 'wet tail'.

Another great thing is your hamster could have babies too! (go to the Bredding page before attempting anything) Mine did once before and she had about 6or 7 babies!

Hamsters are such a great pet and if you don't have one..I hope my page has convinced you!

Also, if you have any hamster art or anything fun hamster related, send it in and I'll put it up on my page! Just email me! Thanks!

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