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Past Updates for 2 nah nah 1!!!

Past Updates for GND2001!

7/19/01: We made the Peoria Journal Star today! Click HERE to read the GND2001 article!!!
(If the link doesn't work, go to, and on the left side of the page, click on 'Neighbors'. Then click on the article titled, "Festival invokes known name, little else", enjoy!!

UPDATE 07/02/01

I just recieved an email suggestion from a friend with a possible invitation to use their 2 acre grass lot for our festivities!

It's at a prime location, just a mile or so east outside of Washington on Buisness highway 24 on the way to Eureka. It's a grassy lot easily seen right off of the main road across from the vetrinary animal clinic right before the dee-mack road turnoff.

If we can get some insurance and matters with the neighbors dealt with, I think this may be good to go!

much props to laura for the suggestion.


UPDATE 6/30/01

woe is us.

The American Legion has no openings this summer unless we have GOOD NEIGHBOR DAY in two weeks from now, or in the middle of August after school begins.

All the bands I have talked to really want to get this thing going. It would be fun and bring needed recognition to the upstart musicians that our town has produced.

If anyone has any suggestions on where we should hold our festival, or has a place where we can have it, please let me know on the discussion board. thanks.

UPDATE #3 (6.29.01)

. . .man, what's a brotha to do to get a festival in a town like this?!!

. . we have all the bands, the sound system, the security, the date (JULY 21ST NOW!!!), the food, the root beer keg, the crowd, but

. . .no confirmed location yet!!!!!

The reason being, I just spoke with the director of the Washington Park District (who, by the way, was a nice guy and liked the idea for the concert) but was told we needed a police presence at Meadow Valley Park, a special permit granted by the Park Board, and liability insurance, not to mention suitable port-o-potties, FDA approval of our cooking, and a shuttle system for the parking!!!

So right now we're speaking with the American Legion directors to get the location moved to the Legion Hall right by the Cefcu building between Washington and Sunnyland!

keep the hope alive kids!!! we'll bring some fun back into this town sooner or later

UPDATE #2 6/29/01

Happy Friday, I have some new news for everyone. Because of two separate incidents, with

1. Nimbus playing a show in Chillicothe July 28th, and with

2. the R.I.D. front-man being in New Jersey that weekend,

GOOD NEIGHBOR DAY 2001 has been moved back a week to SATURDAY JULY 21st!


If anyone has a problem with this date that is helping out or playing music for the festivities, can you please let me know so we can work something out. . .

Sorry about the date switch. However because of it, we can now be able to hear two great Washington-based bands that afternoon!!


UPDATE #1: 29 June 2001:

Two-thirds of the FILIBUSTAS are secured as of today for GOOD NEIGHBOR DAY 2001 at Meadow Valley Park!!! Great Washington hip-hop reunites for the madness!

. . .Also, one of the Filibustas members, Nate Hartrich, who just recently signed to a Chi-town independent record label, will perform some of his own musical compositions for the crowd the afternoon of JULY 21st.

Now, on a technical note, special thanks to our sound man, Mr. Decker, as he was just confirmed for the festivities. He is very graciously providing his services and free mics, amps, and monitors. thanks man. . .

Last, but not least. . .Tyler Smith and Nate Wentz, two young Washington solo musicians, together just recently became slated to open for the GOOD NEIGHBOR DAY 2001 fun and festivities to help woo the crowd with their guitars and music with a little help from Guster!

keep checkin back for more updates soon! later on.

UPDATE: 6.27.01. . .ole! I just spoke with Police Chief Witmer yesterday about our Good Neighbor Day 2001, and he was totally cool about this whole idea of the festival. But here's the deal, there is a 1970s ordinance that states only 50 people maximum are allowed on the square, and if we go over that, there's a possible fine of up to $500.

. . The actual lineup of the bands is being decided presently, and so far R.I.D., 7star, and PushButton have all agreed to play and are excited for this concert. And Nimbus said they were leaning towards the possibility, but I still have not received exact word.

. . .Also something that's really cool to check out, is the Filibustas discussion that has started up on this message board. They would bring some hip-hop credibility to GND2001! The more diversity the better. . .

oh yeah, there will be a root beer keg present at this function, along with two or three grills for your eating pleasure!!!

so until next time. . .aloha!

Because of various reasons, and with most college kids going back to school, the date for GOOD NEIGHBOR DAY 2001 has been set on JULY 21ST, the second to last Saturday in July!!!!

. . .keep checking back here for updates, and keep your July 21ST free so you can come!! thanks.

UPDATE (6.24.01)

Ladies and Gentlemen, great news is upon us. We're getting help left and right for this event! This evening, I have just received word from a friend, who is coincidentally a security guard for concerts at the Madison Theater and the Peoria Civic Center, that he and his security guard group may possibly work security for GOOD NEIGHBOR DAY 2001!! Nothing is final, but there is a good chance that they may!

UPDATE 6/23/01:
I just put up a new discussion board just for this site!

Feel free to post about anything you want to, whether it is about music, local bands, Good Neighbor Day, the NDP, or just topics that are on your mind!

. . .Post anything you want!

later on. . .


I have contracted the services of a sound technician to take care of the music quality if our permit gets passed for GOOD NEIGHBOR DAY 2001 July 21st!!

keep it real