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||| Background! ||| New Updates!! |||

I guess one could say the purpose of our music and arts festival is to help people around here appreciate music as much as we do. We want to bring our hometown bands the recognition they deserve. And while doing that, we try to give everyone a safe and a positive alternative to the typical day. With 10 hours, close to 15 bands, and guest speakers planned for Good Neighbor Day 2002 on Saturday, July 20th, 2002, we hope to accomplish that goal. We also hope to plan a preceeding week of 'good neighbor' volunteer activities to better our town by bringing it closer together, and the culmination of the volunteer week will be the Saturday GOOD NEIGHBOR DAY 2002 MUSIC AND ARTS festival! We will put all donations towards a charitable cause.

Be sure to check out the new updates!! link for the up-to-date news on what is going on for next summer!

There are a few choice locations in Washington that could host this event. Possibilities include private property, Kennel Lake, or any other suggestions you may have.

(info courtesy of the Washington Chamber of Commerce)

If you have any suggestions or want to help, let me know at, or IM fonz51. thanks!