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Florin Leon's Homepage





Welcome to my website!



Here you'll be able download almost 40 freeware programs, mostly for Windows and DOS. Many of them are accompanied by sources (written in C, C++ Builder, C#, Visual C++, etc). Now you can download 5 mp3's I mixed, and also 6 books of mine, containing literature, astrology, linguistics, and play a game online. Maybe you are interested in intelligent agents research. Or, if you want, you can find out more about me, including my CV, and some links to other web sites.


Hope you'll like and find a use for all these!


I recommend you use a download manager for the files on my site. To download files from the browser, LEFT click on the links and then save them to disk. Write me if the links don't work!


Use the floating menu on the left or the links below. Don't forget to read the news and come back soon for more!


I have a new professional website. Check it out in Romanian or English!


Contact: florinleon [at] gmail [dot] com


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Last update: 5 October 2010



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Copyright 2001-2010, Florin Leon