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Thank You, Computer Buddies/Experts!
(Playing ~ {I'll Get By} "With a Little Help From My Friends")


A basket of flowers ....

.... and my grateful thanks to my friends who never gave up on my computer struggles
and without whom this project would never have gotten "off the ground."

To Mike ........ for his technical help, instructions and unfailing patience when I was first learning;
for constantly answering my many questions; for sharing his vast knowledge and offering help
even when I didn't know enough to ask; and then, unknowingly, for encouraging me
to develop my own web site.

Be sure to visit Mike. You will find his logo on My Favorite Links page.

To Barbara .......... also for her patience and instructions; for being a good teacher;
for sharing her own experiences and helpful hints; for answering questions; and for
"holding me by the hand" step by step as I began this journey. Without her inspiration
and encouragement, this site would never have happened.

Please be sure to visit Barbara. You will find her banner on My Favorite Links page.

To Bryan .......... who was actually the very first person to help me. Bryan was unfailingly patient,
and he instructed me in my first efforts to find my way around a computer, an old one
that could not be connected to the Internet.

And, finally ........... to long-time friend Bruce who came to my rescue when the entire
computer system was "sick" and in imminent danger of "dying." Bruce "saved" it and then
enlisted the expertise of my two new friends,
Doug and Greg in the "healing" process.
These three, with their "first-aid" and instructions, finally enabled me to launch out
into cyberspace ! You'll never know just how grateful I am !





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