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The Story of Us

So I bet you're wondering, how did the two of you meet? Believe me my mother wonders that all the time. Ha ha. As you may or may not know in a round-about way Dean and I met online. But let me stress that we did not have a romantic interest in each other from this. In fact we talked rarely online. A few things to note, I knew Dean when his grandfather was in the hospital. I sent him an online card hoping to cheer him up. We talked a little bit when we would go through our relationship disasters but not much.

Prelude to a storm...

So what happened next you're probably wondering? Well a few months later in February Dean send me a message that he's been considering a job offer in Texas. I was all happy for him. And then suddenly, out of nowhere, he sends me a message that he's moving to Seattle permanently. His office in Camarillo was closing down and he was transferring up here. My relationship wasn't going so well. When Dean called me when he got into Seattle I was still contemplating my old relationship, but when my bf didn't call me for over 2 weeks I figured that must be a sign. And I called Dean. The rest is history! We hung out for the whole summer. Dean proposed down at the pier at sunset on July 9th, 1999. We were married on December 5, 1999 and honeymooned in Maui, Hawaii. It's been a whirlwind but definately worth it! Woo!