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A Brief History of the Westwicke Center:

The Westwicke Center began its' life in 1976 as a small psychic study-group and Druidic Circle known as "Dragon Circle Grove."
In 1980 the Westwicke Center, then located in rural New England, maintained an herb farm, a metaphysical gift shop, and conducted regular classes and seminars on Celtic Shamanism, Druidry and Magick. The Center also sponsored several Pagan Gatherings, Festivals & Drum/Dance Circles in the New England area during the early 1980's.

The Westwicke Center moved to its' present location in Southern California in 1985 where it has operated a number of occult shops and continued its' tradition of magickal teaching and spiritual seminars.

In 2001 the Westwicke Center expanded its' focus and goals to the internet, and established this website,

The Westwicke Center Today:

The current focus of the Westwicke Center today is multi-fold. We operate on many different esoteric projects on a daily basis. The Center itself is the main HQ for - here we maintain the Westwicke website and take care of all communications. It is here in our halls and Temples where our staff conduct research as well as rituals.

The Westwicke Magickal Manifesto

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