Cast Bios
(Stage Manager)Vicki is happy to be making her first appearance at Spotlighters, and is having a most fabulous time with this production. Some of her past favorite roles in and around Baltimore have included Lizzie in THE RAINMAKER, Donny in THE CRYPTOGRAM, Maggie in LEND ME A TENOR, and Julia in FALLEN ANGELS. Other favorites include Bunny in GEMINI, Rita in UNCOMMON WOMEN AND OTHERS, and Mama in BYE, BYE BIRDIE. |
(Adam) Oscar is proud to make his debut here at Spotlighters Theatre. In his native country of Panama, Oscar won the award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in the comedy COMO AMA LA OTRA MITAD. Added to his credits are substantial roles in Shakespeare's ROMEO & JULIET, Garcia Lorca's BLOOD WEDDINGS, Gogol's THE INSPECTOR GENERAL, as well as numerous comedies. More recently, Oscar played the role of Caiaphas in FSB's JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR. Oscar would like to thank Terry, the cast and crew, and all his friends for their love and support. |
(Steve)David is pleased to return to the Audrey Herman Spotlighter's Theater. His first performance here was in the wildly popular Baltimore premiere of PAGEANT. He began theater work in his hometown of Indianapolis at Footlight Musicals. In Baltimore, he has worked here at Spots, the Towson Dinner Theater, and the REP Stage in Columbia. The role of Steve in MOST FAB has already earned a place on David's favorite list. Others include Matt Stein in AUBERGINE DAYS, Deputy in EDWIN DROOD, and of course, Miss West Coast in PAGEANT. |