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Hi! I'm Noel R.Albis I'm 17 years old. My Birthday is on August 29,1987. I live at #05 Pasong Balite Marulas Valenzuela city.My Fathers name is Edmundo c.Albis Sr. and his occupation is welder. My Mothers name is Elena R.Albis and she is a housewife. I have three sisters and four Brothers. I can tell that my family is happy because even though we have lack of money we are still united and help each other because we are a team. My Province is on the Bicol Region, but ever since that i was born i lived here in Manila.

When i was seven years old i started to study at school of Tuklas Nursery School were i was given a award of most behave students. And then when i graduated and turning on Elementary i studied at School of San Miguel Height Elementary School. where my favorite subject is English because of my proffessor that so disciplinarian. You must study your lessson evryday becaose of the everyday surprise recitation and quizzes. If you dony want to have zerov grades you must study your lesson. After I graduated i study at the school of Valenzuele National High School. Where i became in the Barsity team of the Track and Field. And right now in college im still studying at Asian Institute of Computer Studies were i take the course of Computer Science.

My Hobbies are playing Basketball. I was playing this game ever since i was a child i liked this game especially when you shoot the ball. My favorite basketball player is Michael Jordan,i liked him because he can jump so high and then he will dunk the ball. Sometimes i often listen to a rock and RNB music.It makes you want to dance because of the beat that can make you dance. When i have a vacant time i read a book because it gives me some information and knowledge in the things that you are sorrounded.And i often read a horror books. I often watch a movie because of the busy schedule that i have.

I am a Born Again Christian at Word of Hope (Valenzuela) I am a drummer and sometimes I played guitar.Because i am a music lover i try to study it and then i learn to play it.I am the head of the Dance Ministry because i want to serve GOD through my talents that he give to me.And right now i have a BAND called the "Branches BAnd" other chhurches invited us to be a guest and to play to them.Because my band want to share to others that we must believe in the love of God

My most unforgettable day was?!........ When i meet this girl at a church where they invited us. At first i didnt know what to do because i was attracted to her. And i get her name and her name is "Blanca" and then i talk to her. and then we texted to each other. and then i court her and we became Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

My goal in life is to finish my studies and to get a good job in the future, so that i can be able to help my parents.But after i finished Computer Science i want to study again and take the course of architecture. Because ever since i was a child it was my plan, and i wanted that i will be the one to take the design of my Future house with the house of my parents. My dream is to have a good family and get a five sons two girl and three boys. And i hope that i can be a good father to them, so that i can be a good example to them.And be a good husband to my wife.