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Welcome to Whitey's Funpage!Whitey's FunpageWelcome to Whitey's Funpage!

Hi! Welcome to Whitey's Funpage! I am Locke Wong and I would like to tell you about my very own special dog... I was given a white dog from my mother's friend in 09-06-2001 and named him Whitey. Whitey is a Pekingese dog who lives with me in Glamour Garden and was born in 5th February 2001. He is cheerful, lively, cute, white fat and chubby. Whenever he sees a stranger, he acts crazy. He'll hang around with them, trying to get them to give him food. He likes to eat rice, vegetables, fruit, bread, meat, bones and biscuits (and strangely, stones...!). He gets showered about once a week. My interests are riding with him, playing with him, exploring with him and decorating my bike which I call 'Whitey Express.' In here, there aren't just information about Whitey; there are jokes, a notice board, contests and prizes! Okay, think that's about all...
~Whitey's Notice Board
~Email to Us
Factsheet of Whitey My Description of Whitey
Funny Stories Whitey's Gallery
Whitey's Point of View Credits

Click here to hear Whitey bark!

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