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Aspah shpfashpa.. lol this is for jamie! Give ya somethin' to check out while you're at home.. i miss you!!
love u

Jamie. Libra. Corona. Dimple. Brownish..Greenish..Blue. 6'5½". Matthew Good. Basketball. Shick.

Date: 02/08/03
Time: 12:30 PM
Feeling: out of breath
Doing: updating this
Hearing: doorbell
Seeing: Monitor
Drinking: nope
Eating: pop tart
Wearing: fleecy pants and hoody
Surfing: remember this?

MatchBox 20
»Real World
»Long day
»I don't have the
»case so i forget. lol




FEBRUARY 14, 2003


Ash posted @ 12:02 AM

FEBRUARY 10, 2003

Hey! What doin'? I'm in the computer commons... just got out of french class.. I ended up making the bus, and got to french on time. I got my friend to proof read my assignment before I handed it in, and I made a few changes... I really hope I get a good mark on this one..

So what's up? 4 more sleeps! hehehe..
I have two hours to kill at school before my next class.. you have no idea how much that sucks... I am starving and it's a blizzard outside.. i wanna go home so badly.. but i'm trying to practice some discipline here... lol

I'm scared that I'm going to go to my interview at sears on thursday and if they want me ...they're gunna be like "great can you start monday?" and i'm gunna be like.. um no? I don't want it to start reading week but i have this gut feeling it might. RRrrrrr....

Hope you're really not that nervous about meeting my parents... I'm sure you'll make an awesome first impression! They're nothing to stress about, we'll go out and stuff.. drive around and whatever if it's weird.. but it won't be!!

Ash posted @ 5:21 PM

FEBRUARY 09, 2003

Wow.. I didn't realize how much i missed you.. well I did, but man.. tonight was so awesome for me. I needed that so badly, to hold me over any longer. Thanks so much for taking me out.. It was a good night. Reminded me that I have nothing to worry about.. things are always good with us when we're face to face. I Love You sooo much.. everytime I see you it's a reminder.. I'm so happy! I sent you an email tonight with some pictures I took right after you left. Hope you had a safe ride home.. I can't wait for Valentines! Miss you babe..

*keep reading the post below this one is new too...

Ash posted @ 9:10 PM

Hey, by the time you get this you'll probably already be back in Gravenhurts... You should be on your way to Toronto right now, and I am so looking forward to seeing you tonight. My door bell just rang and I started freaking out because I remembered those people are coming for a second look today and i look like shit, my bed/room was totally messy the kitchen is filled with dishes. But I went to the door and only saw footprints in the snow so..?'s probably wasn't them.

I'm glad the nurse had better news for you this morning, that's really good to hear! I just stabbed the inside part of my biggest knuckle on the corner of my desk and it's all poofy and feels like burning... lol owe... Anyway, I can't spend all day on the computer today, I have to clean the dishes, and do that composition for fench class. I also have to fix my hair because i went to bed when it was wet and i totally have wavey bedhead and it looks like ass.. lol anyway, hope you have a good day, i love you..Happy Anniversary!

Ash posted @ 12:36 PM

FEBRUARY 08, 2003

Hey Babe, It's 9:30 on a saturday and I've been up for over an hour! Can u believe it? Yeah.. my mom called. She said that she returned my call last night and left a msg, but I didn't check so I didn't call her back. Anyway, I told her all about my living situation and what you and I were considering. She told me not to stress out, I should look every other day or so.. try and get the paper and stuff. She didn't say anything about the two of us living together, and she listened to everything i had to say about it. I basically told her about the talk we had before, and that we are aware of the risks and stuff but I told her that we weren't worried about that right now.. and that I thought if something did happen you and I both are responsible enough to handle it.. and I listed options or whatever. But yeah, she was like.. well there are places out there.. and there are lots of people graduating this year who dont' have places listed yet.. there are people leaving too don't forget it's not all just people coming in. So, I guess that shouldn't be over looked. Then I told her about my money situation and she kinda cringed.. She mentioned about how if I get an actual apartment building place than there will be a first and last deposit required, which i kinda overlooked because it wasn't required for the other place... So, she said she'd slip me some extra cash with my next rent check but not to tell dad.. lol. So yea, I really need this job.. She told me it's okay to go out and get some nice clothes but to just buy a little and then buy more when i get a pay check, which makes sense.

So.. we get to see each other tomorrow! It's been quite a while, but I think we made it through pretty well. We'll have to make the best of the time you're back. Right? I love you. Thanks for all the fun beatgreets you've been sending me!! They're super sweet, and yeah, that one this morning made me smile! lol I updated a few things and added some stuff! ttyl

p.s. that lil msg me form on the left isn't working yet, so don't send msgs i won't get em. hehe

Ash posted @ 9:23 AM

FEBRUARY 03, 2003

Okay, as if all the clocks are wrong in this friggen lab. I almost went to class half an hour early. So... how are things comming along with nurse Jann? Got her number yet? .. she likes being rough eh? awwww...

Hard to believe it's the weekend again already.. at this time last week you were getting ready to go to the Raptor's game!! Vince is a pretty sexy good player eh? Helpin' the team win a lot more lately.

This pasta and salad thing you're trying to give me is just not gunna cut it. I'm sorry.. I need real food.... OMG! u wanna go on a trip when school is out Yyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaay~!! Hopefully I'll have a lil extra $$ by then!
Gotta run to class.. have a good one!!

Ash posted @ 12:35 PM

Hayyy there stranger! I just got out of geography.. We took at lot of notes today, but everything we've learned is really straight forward so you don't need to be concerned about not understanding. Brian wasn't there.. You mentioned he went to Isaac's last night so I imagine he's not feelin' 100%
... aka. lol.
Anyway!! I get to see you in two days! Where are we all gunna go out for dinner? I'm looking forward to that!
So yea, I'm going to the Pen Center after my comm class to do a few things for your V day present. And then I've gotta go home and make sure the house looks decent for when those gurls come back later on with their bf's. I want to make an appointment with Melissa to go over and confirm things by talking to the super intenant or whatever it is she wants me to do. I have to sign an acceptance form or something I think...
Wow, this hour has gone by really fast! I have to leave for class in 10 minutes!! I miss you like crazy, and we'll have a great night on Sunday . I'll post later on okay? Luv u!

Ash posted @ 12:08 PM

FEBRUARY 07, 2003

You did it!!! Nurse Jann vs/ J-me.. Jamie wins round two!! Are ya okay babe? I'm just on my way out to geography, i'm running a lil late.. make the best of your day and I'll talk to ya as soon as I get home!! I think reading week will be good.. we'll work out something good. 2 more days till i see you!! love ya babe..

I updated current thoughts and currently. ttyl!

Ash posted @ 9:42 AM

FEBRUARY 06, 2003

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!! That picture is of you being a lazy ass, sleeping in my bed at 2pm!! That's where you'll be when you get to come back and stay with me! Have a good night okie? *Muah
Ashley against the nurse! Ashley wins round two!!!!

Ash posted @ 10:08 PM

FEBRUARY 06, 2003

RRRrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaHHHHHHH!!!! What's up J-me? I'm Almost Mcfinished! Is this what you were expecting? I'm pretty sure you knew.. but I couldn't do anything about that!!

It's not the same without you here.. but I guess Sunday is soon enough, we'll make the most of it! I love you soooo much.. Things have really pulled through for us eh? I'm really happy. That game we played last night was good for us I think... just hearing the other person out and it was all good stuff. Thanks for calling me since you been gone, I'm going flat broke... I'm not sure what i'm gunna do!!

I can't wait to see your new place and for you to see mine. I feel like I'm finally doing something with my life.. that was something that really bothered me when I was still living with my family. I felt asthough i wasn't growing as a person because i had so many restraints... But here I am, living away from home, in love, in University, getting a job, getting a new place and making decisions for myself. I want you to know how much I appreciate you being in my life and how positively you influence me.

I hope your leg is getting a bit better.. sorry for jumping on it! whoops...
I'm really looking forward to Valentines day.. been thinkin and chattin' to other people about sneeky ideas and stuff. I'm sure it will be amazing no matter what ends up happening!

Anyway, this site is from me to you, I can customize anything you want.. that corner picture will change all the time.. the background, text & link colours can all change and I can update the little info on the sides too. Sorry about the stupid banner thinger, when I move this to the Brock webspace is won't be there.. but this is the best I could put together for now. Hope you like it! Love you.. don't ever forget!

p.s. we're watching Blue Crush and Final Destination next time we get a few hours to hang out!!

Ash posted @ 10:08 PM

FEBRUARY 03, 2003

Well, I started this today, it looks like it's gunna take a whole lot more time than I estimated.. so you might have to wait.. Anyhow.. this kinda website is called a "blog". I used to make them and then do kind of like an online diary. You'd be surprised how many people read them.. I'm won't advertise this one though.. but maybe I'll update it a few times while you're at home so you have something to check out when you're bored okay? This is where I'll put up the new pix and any news or thoughts on stuff.. lol. Better get back to work!! luv u


Ash posted @ 1:36 AM

Ashley. Capricorn. Vodka. 5'11". Navel. Tongue. Green. Hanson. Yean. Orcas. Roxy. Elimidate.

Em@il »
ICQ » 64137760
MSN » ̃˚ÄšħŁėŸ˚̃
09: 3 months
14: valentines formal
15: yuk yuks
17: reading week

¤ "wait! I'm gunna start barking"
¤ "you taste like dill pickle"
¤ "I wantpizza !"
¤ "meu meu meu.."
¤ "I'm mc sick"
¤ "you're going to court!"

& kelly clarkson
& tara reid
& vince carter
& valentines collage

& One more Sleep!!!
& Will I get the job at Sears