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hey hey this is nadia and this is my homepage i made when i was soooo bored!! but n e wayz you know i gotta put the shoutouts in here somewhere so here i go! ChElSey*hey u boy crazy lover!i love u sooo much my fine feathered friend!remember all of those late night talks we had on the phone?!we have sooo many great memories like my broken pinky... it'll heal up one day lol!and the "are u parting??" im so stupid!ill never forget the "its gettin hot in herre!" man y do everyone steal nelly's 'ers!? thats his thing!haha GREAT STUFF!i love u chechita like john v. says! DeRiOn*hey babe wuz up ya lil hornball!thnx for almost drowning me at the pool and pulling my hair i enjoyed it!i love u no matter wut!ill still be nasty and u can still be dirty! MoMo*hey u crazy chic!we had great talks in algebra together! it wuz fun watchin ronnie get soo mad everytime we played mum huh?! hope u had a great time goin to italy and paris and all!i love ya! FaLlWeLl*hey my -X- neighbor?!hows life in ur new house?!u always made me laugh no matter wut ya silly goose good luck with u kno who!! oLiVIa*hey hey good luck in cheerleading! dont get soo worried ull do fine OK!? i hope u get ur tumbling down soon i kno u can do it!and tell shovelface i said hi and stop biting ppl LOL! RosIepAnTs & StEtSoN*hey my lil 7th wait! now 8th grade buddies how yall doin?! have fun next year with the 7th graders and whip them into shape arrrg haha! ill miss yall SarAh*hey hey my bestest flyer!we sure have been through alot this year!? u r the sweetest thing and i love u muchos! i had fun looking like a dork on the excersion wearin ms.sokos jacket lol! TiM*hey u!dont make me unleash the power!? haha!i had fun with u at the end of the year!but i dont want u gettin into trouble or ill beat u up lol!love ya! doNnY*hey hey! i still miss ya!? we had fun at rosiepantz didnt we??well i think everyone did lol!stay awesome cuz u have MAD SKILLZ DAWG! Pj*PrEsTOn*ur the best hope to talk to u more next year!stay sweet and dont go past ur bedtime of 8:00 o clock! understand me mister?? NiKkI*hey i love u bunchessss!!muah!ur too sweet!and johnny noxville is HOT! Mr.LoooNey*hey u wacky dude stay funny! i had fun in algebra with u too! StePh*how long have we known each other?!too lonnnngg lol! i love u no matter wut and i always trust u with my secrets! WoMaCk*hey my other 7th grade buddy how ya doin?!dont have too much fun next year without me and dont get too tall now lol!?j/k i love u! Bre~BRe*i had fun with ya this year even tho we didnt have n e classes but stay nice and funny! CarsWeLl*hey STUMP! how ya doin!? i know u love smurfs<-- look i finally spelled it right! i had fun torturing u with courtney this year haha!PIGGY MUST DIE[cry]!stay awesome ur the best!? BLaIR*hey u penguin!? i had fun seeing ur inNEr*HyPerNesS come out lol!we'll have tons of fun on drill team together next year!KacY* hey buddy!i had fun in ipc man it wuz awesome with u! remember the mouse trap?!haha that thing never worked but we got a good grade!stay sweet and the pimp u r!u rock!Coburn*u r an awesome 8th grade friend stay sweet and have a good love life with u kno who lol!Dustin aka my son*hey buddy glad we are cool again u r cool and i love havin those flo wars of ours lol!david*last and jk!stay RAWKIN lol and be nice to me next year man! If I LeFt N E OnE OuT SoRrY! JuSt TELl mE AnD iLL PuT U On HErE AnD PlLeEzZ SiGn My GuEsTBoOk!LovE LotS!nAdiA

A PiCtUrE FrOm ThE 8Th GrADe ExCeRsIon!!! HeRe ArE SoMe CoOl WebSiTeS!

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