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Hide Your Pickles Queen Is On The Loose

In the spring of 1989 a small hairy child was discoverd by a newlywed couple in the forests of Indiana. The couple and the child moved to the small town of Salyersville, Ky in the foothills of the Apalachian Mountains. Knowing if the child's true identity beacme known by the locals, she would be hunted down for her fur. For you see my friends, this child was none other than ....SASQUATCH!!

To keep the hair at a reaonable length the coupled naired the child regularly. When she bacame old enough, she began shaving on her own, but this proved costly. The young squatch went through 3 packs of disposable razors a week. Even the Mach 3 razor doesn't stand a chance. queenie.GIF
As the squatch grew into an adolesecent she became aware of an insationionable hunger. A hunger when gone unsatisfied drives the young squatch to the brink of maddness. A hunger that can only be satisfied by... pickles! She has been known to eat an entire gallon of Vlasic dills, and then drink the juice.
Now the squatch is 14 yrs old, standing at 6'1/2'' tall, with a 11 double E shoe. She towers over her classmates and teachers, an intimidating sight to be sure. As the squatch grows into womenhood no one can be sure how huge she will became. At her current pace she is likley to reach a height 7' 1/2 to 8' feet tall. Her shoe size can only be guessed at but, some believed it can be as much as a size 20. Only time will tell.
in this pic the queen fell asleep eating a pickle! (i'll fix the upside down problem)
*********************************UPDATE******************************* THe queen has went hog wild. Se's cus'un, sneeking out with boys, gett'un shit faced, and more!! Words(or my poor grammer) can not describe the situation. She has reaced a new level of queendom!! I'll be posting the address to the queens' own page soon. Stay tuned!!!!

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The Queen's Picks

Pickles Pickles Pickles
Disney Original Movies
Do'nt let her lie to you, see looks at it.
