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The 'Keramat' Album (Under Construction)

Phirizy's Works (Under Construction)

Lab Work ( Under Construction)


Born, Muhammad Firdaus Bin Hj Abdullah, on the 14th day of April 1980. Grew up in the fine city of Singapore. Went to Yamaha Music School for kindergarten. then to East View Primary School where I aced my Primary School leaving Exams with 3As and 1 A-star. Then went to Victoria School. Then to Yishun JC. Education stopped there. But the music goes on.

Started as a bboy with Breakforce Crew, now one of the premier crews in SG. Had interest in remixing and so on. Then started Playground Project and performed only popular covers at gigs. Then was recruited by Sakthy and P'eye to join Pakar Irama. Was instrumental in the advancement of PI as PI's producer. Although rappin in English was his forte, did not only stick to it but he tried and slowly mastered the art of rappin in Bahasa melayu. Responsible for the production of Ikon Cinta, PI's only song receiving airplay so far in RIA 89.7 and Malaysia's Radio ERA. ater produced Wira Melayu. Shortly after, left Pakar Irama to concentrate on main career. Pakar Irama released Wira Melayu 2014 single. Also composed Teh Tarik Crew's Save the Day track in their album What's Next. Still tight as ever with Sakthy, now co-producing Sakthy's Perjuangan album. And also working on his Keramat album. Check it out!


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