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What's really good?!?! This is Kel, trying to expand on to new things. So bare with me while I'm trying(Hint..hint..keyword..TRYING) to design this page. I hope you enjoy!! It's still under construction!! Even though I don't get on here that much anymore.

*Sexual Orientation:Hetrosexual
*Hair Color:Black/Brown

*About Me*
Well, I'm a cool female who can be goofy one minute, mad other minute, and then sad the next.*lol* I am considered quiet and shy at times, but once you get to know me..I love to talk!! Of course every girl has a serious side to them. I also have a serious side to me!! I can sometimes have an attitude and a very quick temper. I can admit that. Hey..I'm not a mean person though. It's just some people can annoy me so much I just take it out on other folks. I LOVE to go shopping(People say I shop way TOO much) going to the movies, hang out whenever, sleepping at the crib, watching basketball games (Any Sixers and Bucks game for Desmond Mason, Micheal Redd and Allen Iverson) The three cuties :-) *lol* reading a book, being on the computer, and just doing whatever. I really have no time for the drama(You know)! So don't even bring the shyt to me!! *lol*

::Reach Me At::
*AOL/AIM: Poohb9735
*Yahoo:ShortyAlwayzThick05 or LilDiamondKel03