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Japan, an overview









Jamour Chames


Holmes jr. high


9th Grade


June 25, 2003



Background Info                                                                                         According to the Encyclopedia Americana, Japan is an island country in Asia it’s on the eastern coast of the continent. It stretches about 2,000 from northeast to southwest. Japan has four main islands they are called Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku. There is many other smaller islands. The word Japan means “ the source of the sun,” or “the land of the rising sun.” Japan is one of the oldest monarchy in the world                                                             


General Information

•      Country name:

•       Japan

•      Type of Government: Monarchy.=………..

•      Continent it’s located: Asia

•      Major religion



•      In 2002 it was close about 127,000

•      78% were urban

•      22% were rural


•      The area  145,870 miles squared

•      The highest point of Japan is Mount Fuji which is 12,388 ft. above sea level.





































Figure 1 Japanese flag








Writing Japanese Alphabet

Last viewed: June 26, 2003