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Holy Reality's thoughts on evil.

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taken from a reply I made to someone in tdn, we were talking about evil and whether or not it's a manmade concept, and assuming it was a legitimate force, whether it was exclusive to humans:


but what is man but an advanced animal?

besides, ants wage war on each other.... primates can lie to each other... crows deceive things... dolphins have orgies for pleasure.

certain animals kill things JUST FOR FUN

these are all "evil" characteristics in men.... so why are they not evil characteristics in animals, then, too?

If we are to deem those acts as evil, and suppose evil exists, then evil is not exclusive toward man, becuase such evil concepts are committed by lesser animals... and man is still very much an animal.

Besides, aren't all these "evil" acts stemmed from the simple goal of survival and self preservation? You want to defend yourself, your morals, your ideals, your ego, at all costs... hence you sometimes might lie, cheat, steal, kill... etc....

It's a natural impulse to do so... a natural impulse and only by evolving to the point where we are not 100% bound by illogical emotions and hormones does the capacity to commit GOOD exist....otherwise we would be bound by much much much much much more killing and sufferring than we already are... no one would care about anyone other than themselves, no matter what... or perhaps their small tribes/families seeing as we are social creatures.


Wow. That's pretty trippy.

All material © 2004 by me.